If you are paying those type prices each week then NO it probably isn't worth it. However, alot of
the "expenses" you listed aren't for your avg bowler.
1- most bowlers (maybe not the ones on this website) don't buy 3 new balls a yr and if so one of them
isn't a spare ball
2- most bowlers don't live 45 miles away from the place they bowl league so they aren't spending that much on gasoline (but that expense is climbing!!!)
3- the money you're spending on food/beverage will be spent whether or not you're at a bowling
alley or not. We all gotta eat...
4- not sure how many warm up gms you're putting in, but $10 for practice before league is kind of
steep. Most centers offer $2 gms or less and/or $5 hr of practice.
5- the "incidentals like tape, rosin, cleaner, etc are just like throw away money aka scratch offs or a soda at
Bowling has certainly become more expensive than past yrs, but IMO it's still much cheaper than some other sports such as playing softball every weekend or golf once or twice a week.
(and I usually don't get anywhere near as mad at myself)!!!!