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Author Topic: Handicap Max -- Should there be one?  (Read 8708 times)


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Handicap Max -- Should there be one?
« on: August 27, 2008, 06:01:53 AM »
I currently bowl on a MENS league that has always had handicap at 80% of 200.  Last year we had a couple of bowlers average over 200 and acquired a couple more that probably will.  During the league meeting it was recommended that the handicap be changed to 80% of 220 to account for this.  

The league has always had a MAX handicap of 52 pins.  So if a bowler averaged under 135 they would still receive no more than 52 pins of handicap.  

The league did nat address changing the maximum until some of the bowlers (the ones that average under 155) on the first night started to complain since they maxed on the handicap and felt that they should get more.  I like having the max, but if we set the max any higher it wil begin to remind me of my mixed doubles team that started 180 pins in the hole each game.  I always thought that the max handicap would inspire bowlers below that level to become better?




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Re: Handicap Max -- Should there be one?
« Reply #46 on: September 03, 2008, 12:07:14 PM »
Yes.  The Minimum AND Maximum should be 0, but I digress.

Handicap leagues should be filled with AMATEUR level (sub 200 avg.) bowlers who compete for trophies or plaques and NOT MONEY.

Scratch leagues should be filled with 200+ avg (what could maybe be considered Semi-Pro?) bowlers who compete for CASH.

If a 200+ avg bowler doesn't have the sac to bowl scratch, he doesn't deserve to bowl!


It's a Sheep thing... You wouldn't understand!

I average 225 on a house shot and I want to bowl with my wife one night a week and she averages about 130.  Still think I shouldn't be allowed to bowl in a handicap league?  Or should we make the 130 avg wife bowl in a scratch league?

Handicap leagues are meant to allow a wide variety of skill levels to bowl competitively against each other.  No matter what the handicap, the higher average bowler has the advantage.  I think USBC did a study and it doesn't equal out till you get to 115% of 230 as a handicap.

If the guy that averages 150 beats you once or twice so what?  Mixed and handicap leagues are suppsoed to be about fun.
Speed Kills
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Re: Handicap Max -- Should there be one?
« Reply #47 on: September 03, 2008, 12:32:44 PM »
Exactly Krakken!
Talkin' Trash!


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Re: Handicap Max -- Should there be one?
« Reply #48 on: September 03, 2008, 02:07:50 PM »
One of the leagues I'm on, 5 man team, has a cap for handicap and for averages.  The handicap is based on 90% of 1045 and the average cap is 1075.  If any teams gets over the 1075 they give 5 pins extra to the other team for every point over the cap.


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Re: Handicap Max -- Should there be one?
« Reply #49 on: September 03, 2008, 08:17:02 PM »
I learned if you have a well rounded team that has higher averages vs a team that has lower averages and if the game is close at the end the higher average bowlers will win most of the time because they can get doubles and markes in the 10th frame while they get opens.


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Re: Handicap Max -- Should there be one?
« Reply #50 on: September 04, 2008, 10:44:10 AM »
The facts I was referring to, are coming from USBC. It basically states even with handicap set at 100% in a league...the higher average teams win more. They went as far to state for it to be equal the handicap would need to be set somewhere around 110%.

As discussed in another thread, those stats can be misleading because they use finishing averages and do not take into account "higher" averaged bowlers (170+) that started the season out with a "lower" (170-) average and improved to a "higher" average.
J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson, the bLowling King  : Kill the back row