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Author Topic: Has this happened to you?  (Read 1109 times)

Doc Hollywood

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Has this happened to you?
« on: February 14, 2004, 02:25:11 AM »
I though I might post this funny thing that happened to me on Friday the 13th.  

You may want to consider this tip after you read this.

I get to the lanes looking to try out a used ball I got from a fellow BR member.
I just got finished plugging and redrilling it and had no time to practice with it during the week.

Get to the lanes feeling pretty good had a great day at work no problems whatsoever.  Lights come on and it's time to warm up.  Throw first ball.  Thumb hangs.  Need bevel knife, left bevel knife at home.  Use regular pocket knife it will have to do.  Much better can get out of thumb hole now.  Go to pick up ball off rack and feels like something falls into my left eye.  Slight burning sensation.  Nope nothing there.  Step up on approach to look at pins.  Pins all blurry.  Lost contact in left eye.  Look at the ground and can't find contact.  Everyone is looking for the contact to no avail.  No glasses or spare contacts with me.  Then I remember that I have a few spare contacts in my truck.  Get ready to go out to truck when I run into another problem.  We drove the wife's car to the lanes.  Darn now stuck with having to bowl with only vision in right eye and no depth perception.  Made it tough focusing on the breakpoint, not to mention picking up spares.  I did the best I could and bowled mainly on instinct. Still shot average but I could have bowled better if I could have seen the lanes or the pins better.

If you wear contacts be sure to carry extras with you in case this happens to you or at least bring another pair of glasses.

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Re: Has this happened to you?
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2004, 05:32:20 PM »
not bowling, but quite a few times playing golf . . . from windy days, to hitting a shot out of the bunker.  it cerainly taught me that lesson about always having a spare pair handy, no matter what sport you're playing.

doesn't it just figure . . . after you look forward to bowling all day, then something quirky happens like that!!!  you probably would have shot an 800 series easy!!!
That which does not kill me makes me stronger . . .
That which does not kill me makes me stronger . . .


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Re: Has this happened to you?
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2004, 09:22:01 PM »
I have spare contacts and a small bottle of solution in my bowling bag.  My scrip for my contacts and glasses is the same, but the glasses make the arrows look like they're a mile away.
White Dot
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Doc Hollywood

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Re: Has this happened to you?
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2004, 10:16:22 PM »
Bones - Pride has nothing to do with it.  I wish I could say that it did.  

I am so active that glasses are too cumbersome and often times get in the way especially when sparring during the martial art classes.  I find it is easier to wear contacts for my lifestyle.  Most of the times the only time I wear a pair of glasses are when I work in the shop for eye protection and of course sunglasses.

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Re: Has this happened to you?
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2004, 10:34:16 PM »
Had the same problem and got the Lasik done in my eyes. A 15 minute procedure. Just put on glasses to read and to do close up work. Hated the contact lenses and wearing always eye glasses. Have 20/20 vision now. Has been 3 years now. No problems.


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Re: Has this happened to you?
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2004, 11:27:24 PM »
Doc H, your post was rather timely!  But for a slightly different reason.  I was going to ask whether anyone else had tried deliberately to bowl with their eyes closed or without their glasses (without my glasses, anything beyond an inch in front of my face is a blur).

My wife and I both tried this yesterday in one game (practice, obviously, rather than in a competition) as we'd read something along the line of how it can help develop better feel.  It worked quite well for my wife, though less so for me.  The general technique was to take just the last two steps with eyes closed.

My wife commented that it seemed to take the pressure off the aiming which in turn helped her release more cleanly.

To me, it seemed a good confirmation of the importance of muscle memory.  Assuming a consistent approach and swing, one shouldn't even need to see the target line to deliver a reasonably accurate ball.  

Any thoughts?

"An unpredictable or unforeseeable factor"
(American Heritage Dictionary)

In reference to my scoring

"An unpredictable or unforeseeable factor"
(American Heritage Dictionary)

In reference to my scoring

Doc Hollywood

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Re: Has this happened to you?
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2004, 01:10:29 AM »
Wildcard - I have bowled with my eyes closed before and it is a very eye opening experience.  Once you get over the fact of falling or slipping.  You will find that often times everything improves. Release, balance, etc...........

If you have muscle memory then it isn't so bad.  If you don't have that you will be all over the place.

I have read and talked with others when they shoot the last ball of a 300 game they have intentially closed their eyes on the last step to really gain the feeling of the perfect shot and not to do anything out of the ordinary to disrupt that shot.

You should practice it some more and I bet that you will improve your feel of what you are trying to accomplish
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