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Author Topic: Have the Brunswick bowling ball buyers seen  (Read 17502 times)


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Have the Brunswick bowling ball buyers seen
« on: March 13, 2009, 12:55:52 AM »
the break or cost savings that Brunswick has seen with its move to Mexico.  In mexico you can have labor alone that is one quarter the labor rate herein the US and also all the laws and rules with regards to safety and enviornment is much less restrictive saving a lot of money.

Has any of that savings been passed on to us the consumer?

I don't think so.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: Have the Brunswick bowling ball buyers seen
« Reply #121 on: March 23, 2009, 12:21:29 PM »
Really 102101?  City Council of how big a town?  Curious as to what you and your council members do to keep businesses in your town.  Real solutions like partnerships, training programs to supply the workers they need?  Things like that?  Or do you throw tax breaks at 'em like most communities that try to bribe a company to stay.  Would you go so far as Tennessee did to get a VW plant there?  Tennessee provided the land, put in the utilities, put in the roads to service the plant, and offered millions in tax credits and abatements, ALL BEFORE VW EVEN HAD NARROWED DOWN THEIR CHOICES OF WHERE THEY MIGHT MOVE!  Oh, by the way, Michigan put in a strong pitch but unfortunately there was a little bit of a wildcat strike going on in Flint, MI and VW took Michigan off the list because of union/management unrest in the auto industry.  Oh yeah, Tennessee is a Right to Work state, isn't it?  What would you and your council members do differently to get a company like that to locate in your town in Illinois?

Stop stalking me, Steven.  Your little man-crush on me is getting a little embarrassing!  

Just a little hint CRD what works in one instance, city, county, or state may or may not work somewhere else. Yes we have attracted huge corparations to our area using a multitude of different options. I have seen the way you twist things around in your posting with the Lane#1 boys and I for one will not get into a pissing match with you, you are more than welcome to run for office and gain the experience needed and take on all the different problems a city or county faces. What does your questioning me have to do with the damage caused by corparations moving out of the country? Please go do some research on what happens to a community, and please stick to the topic instead of changing it to try and start an argument.
102101? Hmmmm

Edited on 3/23/2009 12:27 PM

Zef Olantar

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Re: Have the Brunswick bowling ball buyers seen
« Reply #122 on: March 23, 2009, 03:21:12 PM »
I don't disagree Zef,  I just thought it was a good topic.  Not just because of Brunswick moving to Mexico was bad for the US in a small way, but for the larger picture of companies moving out of country and the need for the stimulus package to try and save companies and jobs here in the US.  

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Absolutely.....great topic, but some of the stuff just keeps going round and round and round and round.......................

Keep goin'...........
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Canadian SAWhead
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Re: Have the Brunswick bowling ball buyers seen
« Reply #123 on: March 23, 2009, 03:47:16 PM »
really?  you seem to be the one wanting to pick a fight.  Just asking for instances on what you would do?  If you don't have any, say so.  If you are on City Council of a small village or town that the biggest thing you have to worry about is leash laws for pets, just say so.  If you are on the council of a large city, speak up!  Don't hide behind the tired old cliche about what works in one place might not work in another.  Really?  Who knew?  Thanks for your insight.  The fact that you mentioned Lane #1 forum tells me all I need to know about you.  All the pm's I got from various board members telling me "right on, make 'em answer your question with facts and logic" tells me that the majority don't think asking pointed questions is "twisting things around".  You're not the first that hides behind rhetoric on this board and you won't be the last.  Have a nice life in your protectionist cocoon.

Exactly as I predicted you sir are not worth the time, h3ll you can't even click on a link supplied on every post I make stating the lanes I bowl. That might give you a hint where I am from but as usual you chose the low road and try to ridicule, well anyone can plainly see you are nothing but an instigator.  You seem to have so many of the right answer please run for office heaven knows Michigan can use your wisdom and help. Please back to the subject instead of trying to make someone look bad. Post all you want you I have better things to do with my time than deal with someone like you.

On edit please don't tell me you are that stupid to feel that a leash law is not important, the poor family down the street whose child that was mauled by a dog running lose might feel different. Even the little things are important but but obviously you can't, don't or won't see that.
102101? Hmmmm

Edited on 3/23/2009 4:23 PM

Zef Olantar

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Re: Have the Brunswick bowling ball buyers seen
« Reply #124 on: March 23, 2009, 04:19:26 PM »
To no one in particular.......I have to say this!  

Why is it that people always get vulgar & confrontational in forums when they wouldn't do so if they were face to face with the same person? And to those of you "big men" that say you would do the same in person, I say you're full of it!

You're all hiding behind the internet and all the anonymity that it provides.  Post your real names, addresses and home telephone numbers if you always feel the need to be confrontational.

That way, we can all be nasty to each other LIVE on the phone!

Soothers anyone?  
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Canadian SAWhead
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Re: Have the Brunswick bowling ball buyers seen
« Reply #125 on: March 23, 2009, 04:43:29 PM »
To no one in particular.......I have to say this!  

Why is it that people always get vulgar & confrontational in forums when they wouldn't do so if they were face to face with the same person? And to those of you "big men" that say you would do the same in person, I say you're full of it!

You're all hiding behind the internet and all the anonymity that it provides.  Post your real names, addresses and home telephone numbers if you always feel the need to be confrontational.

That way, we can all be nasty to each other LIVE on the phone!

Soothers anyone?  
"You may not like it now........but you'll LEARN to like it!"

Canadian SAWhead

You're right Zef sorry I should have never let CRD get under my skin, heaven knows I deal with that all the time and I should have just shrugged it off to start with. There is no excuse for stooping to his level. If it was me then please accept my apologies for being a jerk.
102101? Hmmmm


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Re: Have the Brunswick bowling ball buyers seen
« Reply #126 on: March 23, 2009, 04:45:09 PM »
It does seem like Mexico in this discussion is used a lot, but its other countries that jobs are moved to as well and some mention golf clubs to China and internet to countries like India. The point is, our population is not decreasing but maybe not increasing as quickly as it use to.  Social Security at full payment is now at 70 years of age.  So many are worker longer and the work force is growing faster then the job market.  So instead of losing jobs/companies to foriegn countries, we need to keep our companies and jobs here.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Zef Olantar

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Re: Have the Brunswick bowling ball buyers seen
« Reply #127 on: March 23, 2009, 05:13:36 PM »
It wasn't anyone in particular, 102101.....I've just noticed that this kind of crap is prevalent in these forums!  I've done it myself, and I'm not proud of it.  It's just sillyness.

Just agree to disagree with someone and keep your mouth shut instead of being vulgar.  That's all I'm saying.

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Canadian SAWhead
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Re: Have the Brunswick bowling ball buyers seen
« Reply #128 on: March 23, 2009, 07:32:15 PM »
102101, son, do you really think I am going to click a link to a bowling center? Please.  

CRD: LOL...The first thing I did when I saw the link to Blackhawk Lanes was click the link. Why? Because that's what naturally curious people do. 102101 felt it was important to include in his signature, so it was easy enough to tell he was from Sterling, Ill. Don't impose your 'click' limitations on anyone else.

C'mon man, say it loud and say it proud! Show some civic pride and tell us where you live. Then, after that, maybe answer some of the questions that were posed to you.  

If you weren't "click" challenged, the link would be more than sufficient. I think 102101 has shown more than enough civic pride simply by being part of the process. You don't need any more excuses to stonewall answering any of his questions.

You duck and dodge almost as well as my buddy little Stevie.  

You've got to be kidding. I've answered every question you've asked (up, down, and sideways). Then I get rewarded with being put on you ignore list for holding you accountable for answering questions in return. In fact, you never did answer how if cover is now 70% of reaction, where the other 30% comes from. Or even the question of the day of how many actual illegals are there that you insist work for 900Global. Inquiring minds do want to know.


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Re: Have the Brunswick bowling ball buyers seen
« Reply #129 on: March 23, 2009, 08:59:05 PM »
Steven just drop it man I appreciate the support but CRD has proven time and time again what kind of "MAN" he is when he continues to make posts like this one he made in the Lane#1 Forum. Sorry for having to use this example but it really shows what kind of human he is. He is just not worth the time and effort.

Old Posts      cool rockin daddy
Group: Users
 Show Profile  Contact User Add to Address Book  Ignore User     Posted: 3/6/2009 10:14 PM   Reply with quote Atta girl, stevie. When the going gets tough and more and more people call you out, you bail. You are a giant, stinking, steaming turd and I am glad that you have shown yourself for what you are. I knew sooner or later the gild would come off the rose and your true colors would be revealed. Guess your profile wasn't a lie when you said you are a THS hack. Get lost and don't come back. Post what you want in reply, I am just going to ignore you (by the way, oh weak one, that is different than actully being put on an ignore list) like all other insignificant motes of dust. You just ain't worth the time anymore. Thanks to all that helped expose this charlatan for the fake that he is. Rockbowler, JustRico, Jls, and the others over the years. It took a while but it was worth it. Have fun in loserville, stevie.

The link to the thread in case anyone wants to check it out.

Sorry Zef I'm just sick of CRD and his constant ridiculing of anyone that does not have the same opinion or agrees with him.  
102101? Hmmmm

Edited on 3/23/2009 9:05 PM


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Re: Have the Brunswick bowling ball buyers seen
« Reply #130 on: March 24, 2009, 01:47:11 AM »
CRD, it is amazing that Moe has the time to stalk you when he's too busy holding onto someone elses pocket. BTW, your post on manufacturing at the end of page 6 was spot on.
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. BrunsNick
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-09
Friends don't let friends drink the Kool-Aid!
Nick Smith
Digital Media Manager - Brunswick Bowling

Zef Olantar

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Re: Have the Brunswick bowling ball buyers seen
« Reply #131 on: March 24, 2009, 10:27:37 AM »
102101, zef whatever, and little stevie.  The new Three Stooges.  Three Lane #1 slappies with another anti-Brunswick diatribe disguised as discussion on world politics.  Tsk, tsk.  

Little Stevie (Moe)
You have been called out by many more than myself for being an arrogant, pompous azz.  If the shoe fits.............but it is flattering to have my very own internet stalker.

Zef (Larry)
Just another turd who I am sure is on more than one person's ignore list.

102101 (Curly)
I had hopes for you.  But, unfortunately, being on City Council of Dogpatch U.S.A. just doesn't give me much confidence in your knowledge of world politics and economics.  Go back to worrying about what color the fire hydrants should be painted to celebrate Founders Day and leave the world issue discussions to the grownups.  By the way, buying new or used balls from your list of traders benefits the country in what way?  By avoiding the sales tax that goes to provide services and benefits to the community that you are trying to save?  Just another hypocrite who wants everybody to do as he says and not as he does.  

Edited on 3/23/2009 10:19 PM

You want to get into it with me when all I was doing was trying to create peace?  Alrightee then...........

You're just a useless waste of skin, and the kind of retard that gives forums bad names.  Why don't you check the wind direction, you cumwad!  The roof of your trailer may be blowing off!  I'm surprised you can respond to these threads, must be tough on dial-up!  

Cool Rockin' Daddy, my ass!  If you have kids, you're living proof why they should legalize abortion.

Back to the hole with MAGGOT!!!!!
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Canadian SAWhead
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Re: Have the Brunswick bowling ball buyers seen
« Reply #132 on: March 24, 2009, 12:06:30 PM »
Sorry to drag you into this Zef I should have kept my mouth shut. Sorry
102101? Hmmmm


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Re: Have the Brunswick bowling ball buyers seen
« Reply #133 on: March 24, 2009, 12:27:00 PM »
102101, zef whatever, and little stevie.  The new Three Stooges.  Three Lane #1 slappies with another anti-Brunswick diatribe disguised as discussion on world politics.  Tsk, tsk.  

Little Stevie (Moe)
You have been called out by many more than myself for being an arrogant, pompous azz.  If the shoe fits.............but it is flattering to have my very own internet stalker.

Zef (Larry)
Just another turd who I am sure is on more than one person's ignore list.

102101 (Curly)
I had hopes for you.  But, unfortunately, being on City Council of Dogpatch U.S.A. just doesn't give me much confidence in your knowledge of world politics and economics.  Go back to worrying about what color the fire hydrants should be painted to celebrate Founders Day and leave the world issue discussions to the grownups.  By the way, buying new or used balls from your list of traders benefits the country in what way?  By avoiding the sales tax that goes to provide services and benefits to the community that you are trying to save?  Just another hypocrite who wants everybody to do as he says and not as he does.  

Edited on 3/23/2009 10:19 PM

LOL CRD let me explain it to you the balls I PURCHASED from tekneek were ones with long pins that my proshop didn't carry. They were delivered to me in turn I had my proshop drill them, therefore tekneeks proshop made money and my driller made money which in turn supports the economy base in both communities. Oh not to worry you just need to check my profile to see I do purchase plenty of equipment from my local proshop. Not sure why you couldn't figure that one out, maybe the lack of brain power or you just had to grasp at straws again to try ridicule me. Waiting for some more of your intelligent comments that are surely coming.
PS Have you started doing research on the proper paperwork you will need to fill out so you are able to get on the next election ballot, since you have all the answers to all the problems in the world?
102101? Hmmmm

Edited on 3/24/2009 2:10 PM


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Re: Have the Brunswick bowling ball buyers seen
« Reply #134 on: March 24, 2009, 02:22:40 PM »
Steven just drop it man I appreciate the support but CRD has proven time and time again what kind of "MAN" he is when he continues to make posts like this one he made in the Lane#1 Forum. Sorry for having to use this example but it really shows what kind of human he is. He is just not worth the time and effort.  

102101: Sorry if my post dragged you into the muck. When CRD melts into elementary school rants, I take them for what they're worth -- not a lot.

CRD: You're too ignorant to get that Nick is using you to promote his own agenda. He's proven time and again he'll hook his Red Rider Wagon to any poster who fits his needs, so congratulations. And way to go on adding 3 or 4 additional posters to your 'fan' club.  

As far as any real discussion about the effects of moving manufacturing out of the country, you said it all with your 'Have a nice life in your protectionist cocoon' statement. I guess any big words used to discuss the merits/issues fall into that internal waste basket you label 'rhetoric'. You find it too easy to dismiss things when you don't understand what's being said. Get out a dictionary and ask some questions. You might find it enlightening.

Zef Olantar

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Re: Have the Brunswick bowling ball buyers seen
« Reply #135 on: March 24, 2009, 02:30:02 PM »
Sorry to drag you into this Zef I should have kept my mouth shut. Sorry
102101? Hmmmm

It's all good, man!  No biggie......I just hate dealing with people who's I.Q. is lower than their age.  I didn't say anything derogatory to CRD, and he decides to include me in his tirade!  Why?  I have no idea......proof that some just spend too much time in forums and need to get a life!

"You may not like it now........but you'll LEARN to like it!"

Canadian SAWhead
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