I respect your opinion. But just let me throw this out there one more time.
You have a Ford F-250. Which is assembled in the U.S. But 35%-40% of the parts of that vehicle are made outside the U.S. But you are supporting an American based company.
Brunswick bowling balls are made from American made raw materials, on processing equipment made in Grand Rapids, MI USA. Designed & tested by Americans in Muskegon, MI USA. And Brunswick's corporate offices are in Lake Forest, Ill. With the bowling division located in Muskegon, MI.
And for Nicanor, Brunswick's decision to move manufacturing to Mexico was made WAY before there was any kind of bailout/stimulus/incentive package's available. From my recollection, the state of Michigan offered little in the way of incentives to keep Brunswick from moving manufacturing to Mexico. I could be wrong on this, but that is what I recall.
And, as I stated previously, Brunswick's move to Mexico was NOT to improve/increase profits. The move was made so there is a possibility to MAKE A PROFIT.
Brunswick, or any other company for that matter, is in business to make money. At that time of the decision to move Brunswick manufacturing to Mexico, Corporate felt that moving the manufacturing to Mexico was the best option, at that time, for Brunswick to continue in the bowling ball business. Without the move, it is VERY POSSIBLE that Brunswick would have stopped manufacturing bowling balls altogether. So while it is sad that approx. 100 Americans lost their job, it would have been even a sadder situation if over 200 Americans would have lost their jobs.
In conclussion, if you are not buying Brunswick because you don't think they match up to your game, that's fine. You are certainly entitled to your opinion. But of you are not buying Brunswick because they moved manufacting to Mexico, just remember, you could be costing even more AMERICANS their jobs.
Of course not everything produced is going to be made in USA. But I try my best when I have options to buy the American made product. Clothing is hard to find made in US. But my Ford F-250 is not only made in US, it is a US owned company. Now there may be parts of it made overseas. I can't help that. I can only control the stuff I do know. I look at labels every time I buy, & as long as the price isn't too high, I'll choose made in US every time. So, that means I'll never buy another Brunswick ball as long as there's US made bowling balls. Sorry, but that's just me & my "business decision".
"The last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it." Rodney Dangerfield
Larry Verble