Greetings all on the Forum! I have just returned to the sport, after a NOT so short layoff. I bowled as a kid till about 15 in Youth bowling upto the provincial/State level, then packed it in in favor of Hockey (Canadian Boy). Now just shy of 25 years later myself, wife and friends have joined a league! Of course I acquired a ball the 715T(never drilled) had it drilled up and am on week 3 of league play. I now have the bug again, and am thinking of taking in a couple local tourney's to start. But I am looking for a ball to compliment the 715T. Any suggestions? and why? I would lean more to a tweener style, from the right side. Tough to really give a good idea of skill as I am only on week 3. This weeks triple was 537, not bad for 25 years off, but lots of room to improve! Thanks for your help folks!!!