The last time I saw such extremes on the same pair(mid 90's), it wasn't all the oil machine's fault, it was mostly the fault of the brain-dead individual at the control desk, who decided to put all open play on the same lane that day, ~30 games, IIRC. This was before that house decided to oil the lanes fresh for the evening leagues on a regular basis.
I wound up playing a Danger Zone, dull(400 grit? can't recall) on the right lane, slowly with strong lift, straight up the back of the ball, up the 8 board. The left lane? Sliding just right of the left gutter, swinging a Pink Hammer between 22-25 at the arrows, out to about 12(any further was OOB), ease off the speed and miss the headpin left.
The result? 680-something. How I did that well, I'm still not sure, but it's a night I'll never forget