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Author Topic: Opinion Question---PBA Experience Rerating  (Read 2976 times)


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Opinion Question---PBA Experience Rerating
« on: March 10, 2009, 10:12:25 AM »
Do you think the "rerating" system works for those who bowl the PBA Experience Leagues?

Here is why I ask...
There are a few members of a 5 man team who bowled local districts this week, whose averages are only established based on their PBA Experience averages. A couple of them are on this site and post/review. Personally, I have no issue with any of them. I just question how fair it is to pull this stuff.

Im not sure what the rerate is from 180 or 190 or 200. But one of them averages 240 on a house shot---he is getting handicap off of a 220 average. He shot 805 in team---with handicap, it was an 860. Thats ridiculous.

Sandbagging is one thing. And having integrity for the game is another (based on only wanting to bowl the PBA Experience leagues).

But isnt there something wrong with saying "Yes, thats a legitimate average", when every human being with a brain cell knows its not.

This isnt the first the issue has been brought up around here. Recently someone who only bowled 1 PBA Experience League went to states and went nuts. Again---on a house shot, he would average 220. But on those shots, he averages 170-180.

So what do you think about this situation?

Chris Barnes is not a choker---he is just a great opponent to draw on TV.
Chris Green
Bowler ID# 2039-6328



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Re: Opinion Question---PBA Experience Rerating
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2009, 07:11:58 AM »
I think people are mistaking what Im getting at---Im not faulting these bowlers for making their game better. But they arent shooting 800s because they bowl PBAX leagues. They shoot 800s long before that.

My point is based on the rerating system.

And secondly---alot of people who want to bowl "Only PBAX leagues" use the reasoning of "The house shots are too easy". Ok, so if they are too easy---why did they show up for the local assoication tourney and not go find some tough sport shot tourney to bowl in. If they truly wanted the challenge...

One of the bowlers is my doubles partner in the PBAX league Im bowling with and I go to Nationals with him. Another is a solid performer on the eastern region. These are guys who (like many on here) criticize those who wont accept the challenge of the PBAX leagues.

Now I see why they wont bowl the house shot leagues---so they can take advantage of their rerated averages.

The notion that these guys shoot 800s because of bowling PBAX leagues is ridiculous. It helps them repeat shots (agreed). But on the house shots, you dont have to do that. The rerating system is a little out of whack, if someone I cant compete with on the PBAX leagues and would be 10 pins better than me on a house shot, now gets almost 20 pins of handicap a game. Thats ridiculous and not impossible to defend.

Chris Barnes is not a choker---he is just a great opponent to draw on TV.
Chris Green
Bowler ID# 2039-6328


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Re: Opinion Question---PBA Experience Rerating
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2009, 12:32:42 PM »

Your issue is with the tournament committee.  Any tournament committee can rerate a bowler for any reason. If they thought that this bowler was a 240 ave on a house shot similar to their tournament shot then they should have rerated him.  

All tournament comittees should be looking up averages especially if only a PBA Exp ave. is given.  Then they'd probably see a 4 to 6 year average history of the bowler upon which to base a rerate....or not.  



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Re: Opinion Question---PBA Experience Rerating
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2009, 01:42:26 PM »
Below is the average adjustment chart. I average 192 in a PBA league.  So my conversion would be a 206 average.  In my house league, I'm 219.  So if I only bowled a PBA league, I'd get an "extra" 12-13 pins handicap in a local/state tournament based on the conversion chart.  I think they need to do another analysis of averages.  Another guy in my league averages 210 in a house shot, but is a 182 on a sport.  So his conversion average is only 197.  thats another 12-13 "extra" pins in a local/state tourney.

        160 171 190 205
131 133 161 172 191 205
132 135 162 173 192 206
133 137 163 174 193 207
134 138 164 176 194 208
135 141 165 178 195 208
136 143 166 179 196 208
137 144 167 182 197 208
138 146 168 183 198 209
139 147 169 185 199 210
140 148 170 187 200 211
141 149 171 189 201 212
142 149 172 190 202 213
143 150 173 190 203 214
144 151 174 191 204 215
145 151 175 192 205 216
146 152 176 193 206 217
147 153 177 194 207 218
148 156 178 195 208 219
149 157 179 196 209 219
150 159 180 197 210 220
151 160 181 198 211 221
152 161 182 199 212 222
153 162 183 200 213 222
154 164 184 201 214 222
155 165 185 202 215 222
156 166 186 203 216 223
157 167 187 204 217 224
158 169 188 205 218 225
159 170 189 205 219 and up SL Ave+7


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Re: Opinion Question---PBA Experience Rerating
« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2009, 01:52:11 PM »
As I read thru this I dont think the OP was trashing anyone for bowling well.  What I think he was asking is how can you get away with using your PBAX average as a tournament average that is not shot on a PBAX condition?  While it is obvious that anyone that spends lots of time on PBAX conditions will undoubtly get better and be able to score well on the easier conditions.  It is also my opinion that they should not be able to use the PBAX ave for handicap on THS condition tournaments.  I still say shooting 805 is great under any conditions but adding 55 pins handicap is where the questions arise.  Maybe it is a tournament by tournament issue I dont know.  This is the reason I only bowl scratch events now.  Dont have to worry about any sand just better bowlers and there are always lots of them.


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Re: Opinion Question---PBA Experience Rerating
« Reply #20 on: March 11, 2009, 02:31:16 PM »

If your post isn't just tongue in cheek then you're an imbecile. If you think the only leagues with integrity are PBA or Sport leagues then maybe your brain has become addled due to your advancing age. To say all non Sport or PBA leagues lack integrity is probably the most ridiculous statement I've read in quite a while. I bowl in two leagues in different cities. Nobody could ever call them easy. We have some very good bowlers in both and nobody owns the shot at either house. As a matter of fact I just bowled Nationals at Vegas and firmly believe if I bowled that shot all the time in a league I would have a better average than I do at one of the places I bowl. After reading your post the only thing I can surmise is you are first and foremost a bowling snob (like many) and second you are one of those guys who enjoys taking advantage of the conversion table the USBC has for Sport leagues and lives to take the easy money off the Joe Bowlers as often as you can!!!!

trash heap

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Re: Opinion Question---PBA Experience Rerating
« Reply #21 on: March 11, 2009, 02:54:48 PM »
Based on the Chart his PBAX league average is 210. Now is his 240 average a confirmed (or this someone saying it). If it is indeed his average he would have to use it.

Okay the guy shoots 805. Games would be something like (280, 278, 247 = 805) or whatever. No matter how you look at it that is a great series. To me the issue I have is two things:

1. The Tournament lays out an easy shot. Sorry it goes both ways. Guys walking in with 160 averages and shoot a 700 series. I have seen more times this way than what is being stated here. There have been guys shooting upper 700s in tournaments but don't have the handicap and they walk away with no money.

2. The BASE for handicap. Your message pretty much puts the handicap calculated at 90% from 240. 240!!!! That is ridiculous for a THS tournament. A THS tournament should NOT go above 210. Let me state that a LEAGUE is different. This is a SHOOT OUT tournament and everyone has a chance. Those who score best on it should win...NOT those who have 70 - 80 pins a game.

To me this guy deserves the pins he got. The tournament was set up with a high handicap base. He is getting 18 pins a game.

My opinion the rerating system isn't going to fit everyone. Some will be better like this instance, but I think most will NOT benefit.    

Now lets get back to the discussion, someone average 240 on THS vs 210 on PBAX.
Talkin' Trash!


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Re: Opinion Question---PBA Experience Rerating
« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2009, 10:18:22 AM »
I doubt if the people that know me would call me a bowling snob.

I'm one of those oldtimers that believe the lane conditions and equipment have made the game too easy.  In this thread we have people complaining that people who bowl only the PBA leagues are getting too much handicap.

Where does the bending over for the THS bowlers stop.  Let's agree that people that bowl only PBA leagues can never get any handicap.  Will that solve the problem.

It might until some THS bowler complains that Joe Blow is using a ball that is 2 years old.  Or he complains that Joe Bowler only has 2 balls instead of a real arsenal.  Or he complains that Joe Bowler only bowls one league a week and its at the harder of the houses in the area.

Bowling got into this mess because bowlers gravitated towards the alleys with the softest conditions.  However, if you read all the threads there isn't a songle bowler that wants the soft conditions.  Everyone would bowl only the PBA leagues, they just aren't available in their area.
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Re: Opinion Question---PBA Experience Rerating
« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2009, 10:56:02 AM »
THS has been around for ever, I heard stories directly from Don Carter about the scores from the 50's and 60's. So dont believe we are facing a new challange today of fairness because there is NO SUCH THING in a democracy. As long as the ignorant (those that dont have a greater understanding yet) have the same weight in a vote as the knowledgable then the process is broke. There in lies the trouble with our game. Those of us that realize todays scoring frenzy is simply rediculous are simply out voted by those that want to continue to bowl on THS with todays bombs. And as long as there is the demand for such there will never be equity and fairness in this game and will never develop into a sport.

I am a 220+ THS bowler that bowls once per week and have taken off 15 years in the last 20 and I am nearing 50. In the 80's I was a 220 bowler bowling 5 days a week in league and practicewd the other two. In a PBAX I am a 200+ now. So rate me at 210 based on PBAx and give me a coule pins.. I dont care. If I get lined up with the right ball in my hand I shoot 800 on THS.. so you can say, I can average 260+ on THS. This is all a mute point anyway. FIX the problem with equity and fairness by requiring defined skill and not simply having the right ball in your hand.

Wake up... everyone is under the spell of today's scoring pace. A sport should require skill not equipment as the priority equipment. Basketballs are all the same (in a game). Tennis balls are all the same. We keep comparing technology improvements in sports with the wrong pieces. Sure golf balls and clubs are an advantage... but you dont see a golf club win tornaments... you see a palyer beating the course. You dont see a tennis racquet beat a see a tennis player getting another tennis player out of posisition and hitting a passing shot. The tennis court did not change. But in bowling you MUST have the correct ball in your hand to have any chance.

Let me add one more note: The biggest advantage about bowling balls is that it gives every style the ability to compete. I hear that time and time again. And quite frankly that is a bunch of cr*p. If a non skilled bowler can compete with the best skilled bowlers because of equipment than what are we crying over here. Its just a game. It does not matter. If the definition of scoring is hitting 5-7 boards at 40` and nothing else matters (because we certianly can drill balls to hook by themselves or not, or hook early, or hook late, or not hook) because the balls store up energy now than we deserve what we get.
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Re: Opinion Question---PBA Experience Rerating
« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2009, 11:21:02 AM »

You failed to address my point. Do you believe every league that is not putting out a Sport or PBA experience shot lacks integrity? If you do, you are miserably mistaken or are a snob as I said. It's totally ridiculous to think otherwise.

One other thing. To believe putting a reactive cover ball in someone's hand automatically makes them better is a complete fallacy. I and I'm sure all the rest have you have seen over and over a bowler lacking honed bowling skills buy a high performance ball and still bowl at the level they were before the purchase. I'm not saying there aren't bowling centers out there putting out super easy shots but to buy into Srkegler's statement that only Sport or PBA experience shots have integrity is a reach.

Srkegler, were you crying the same statement in the 60s, 70s and 80s when many bowlers were averaging at the level many pros were?

Edited on 3/13/2009 11:57 AM


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Re: Opinion Question---PBA Experience Rerating
« Reply #25 on: March 13, 2009, 02:09:43 PM »

   I can see I failed to make my point. I agree not everyone, everytime are better bowlers instantly when they use a reactive ball. My point is that for 3 games any true 170 average bowler can shoot numbers incrediably more frequently that they could ever before. In fact on any given night in most leagues, the top bowlers are beat by those types of bowlers and seldomly are at the top. It may always be a different set of bowlers but there was a time when they best bowlers were consistently atop the board. That is integrity.

This week on our pair for example... we have a team with all our members averaging between 213 and 220. Our opposing team highest average was 198. The highest guy on our pair shot 748 (with a 180 average on the opposing team) and our highest guy shot 622. I am not disgruntled by this, just stating a fact. He had the right ball and he had a great night. How could that be? We had 5 guys that should have been high and there team had 1. So he beat ALL 6 "better" bowlers?

How often is par golfer beaten by a group of 18 handicapers in a round? Daily? How often is a top tennis player beatin by a group of mediocre tennis players in a match? Daily?
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