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Author Topic: Heavy oil ball suggestions  (Read 4149 times)


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Heavy oil ball suggestions
« on: February 06, 2013, 01:10:41 PM »
I normally throw 16 lb equipment but when the columbia 300 wicked encounter came out last year the guy in the local pro shop had a 15 in stock and decided to go with it. Well I have had tons of trouble with over/under reaction. If I move outside to around the 5 board it consistently hits the pocket but leaves numerous 7 10 splits and solid 7s and 10s. If I straighten my shot out it goes right through the breakpoint. I'm not sure about my PAP as the local proshop guy gets defensive when you ask questions. I'm a Speed dominant (18 to 19) average revs (just guessing 250 to 300). The original layout had a 5 to 6 inch pin with the pin about 3" right of the ring finger and the MB kicked out even further to the right. I took the ball to another guy and he basically pulled the MB toward the thumb and its better than it was but still pretty much the same. Anyway, a lower speed teammate used it loved it and is going to buy it from me.

I'm looking for a heavy oil ball I can get drilled pin down to use on a fresh heavy(as wet as i have ever seen) THS 41' pattern on synthetic lanes. I have an old 16 C300 action packed that is pin down and a Frantic that both work very well for me after about the first game. I'm normally a C300 fan but am open to suggestions. Thanks ahead of time sorry I don't have more accurate stats.



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Re: Heavy oil ball suggestions
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2013, 02:26:29 PM »
The Roto Grip Defiant will easily work out for this.  I'm also speed dominant (19-22mph with 380-420 revs) and prefer playing down and in on the fresh.  This ball has a predictable hard arc motion and is very driller friendly.  Plus, the 3000 grit surface takes changes very well if you need to do that.  Definitely a great ball in the arsenal.

There is also the Storm VG Nano.  Having thrown both, the big difference is that the Nano is more angular than the Defiant.  I also noticed that the Defiant is a little more versatile and a better overall with pin carry.

If you want to stay with C300 or the Ebonite family, you may want to look at the Track 912T or the new C300 Enigma.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2013, 02:29:27 PM by tommyboy74 »
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Re: Heavy oil ball suggestions
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2013, 05:54:57 PM »
ENIGMA!!!!  Sounds like the guy that drilled your Wicked didnt really know what he was doing.  If the pin was 3 inches right of your ring finger, then the pin had to be in the neighborhood of 2 inches from your axis.  That takes away from any backend potential that ball has.  What happened was when you were outside where oil volume was less, the aggressive cover read the lane wayy too early.  But when you moved inside, the the layout made the ball very mild.

Go to a different driller is first and foremost.  Make sure you know your PAP.  If the driller was that defensive about you asking for your PAP, then he didnt really know his stuff and was trying to hide something.  You need to probably do something like a pin over ring finger and as far as the dual angles, try to keep them under 100 (adding to two angles together).  Do something like a 45 x 4.5 x 35. 
Steven Vance
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Re: Heavy oil ball suggestions
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2013, 06:01:47 PM »

Having used the Paranormal Aura on a sport shot it easily gets my vote (but I'm not biased at all  ;)).


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Re: Heavy oil ball suggestions
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2013, 07:02:21 PM »
I was thinking Enigma too. I've also been thinking about the DV8 Brutal Nightmare.

I was wrong about the first layout though. I looked again when I got home and the pin was 1.5" right of the centerline of the grip and an inch below the center of the finger holes with the MB kicked 6" from the thumb. With that layout it just rolled over and over and never picked up.

The new layout has the pin 3.5" right of the centerline of the grip and 1.5" above the line of the finger hole with the 1.0" from my thumb. With this layout it would at least come back to the pocket if I went outside to the dry but wouldnt carry.

It could be the layout, it could be the 1lb difference in the wicked encounter and my other balls, it could be that I just don't have any confidence in this ball anymore or I could have just forgotten how to bowl haha. I have tried to force it to work the last 8 months since I have now spent over $250 on this 15lb paper weight. My average went from 206 last year to 195 and 185.

I may try to measure my pap as close as I can get on my own at the alley and start ordering from someone out of state. I have some wax pencils and can measure with a rag tape. I would like to figure out my axis rotation and tilt or at least find a way to get a close estimate as well. I've been to the only two people within 100 miles of here. One of them doesn't do anything with the PAP and the other evidently measured wrong or didn't know what to do with it.


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Re: Heavy oil ball suggestions
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2013, 08:57:47 PM »
Track 912T is a monster, hooks and hooks
depends on the motion you are after.

whatever you decide on, you absolutely need some good pro shop help
see if the pro shop has the powerhouse blueprint software, you can input your stats, lane conditions, drill layout and it will show the ball motion on hte screen.
You can input differtn layouts and see what it looks like before you drill one.
even can simulate 100 first ball shots and give you a strike percentage based on your layout.

wet/dry can be tamed with adding a little surface to help smooth out reaction.
all of my equipment now is drilled with the ball motion in mind, how does it react off the end of the pattern?
longer pin-pap has helped me tremendously, ball surface prep is also good to know


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Re: Heavy oil ball suggestions
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2013, 10:47:44 PM »
Well the house I normally bowl in may have the software. They have a alot of really nice equipment in that shop but the guy is a total jerk to anyone who questions him. When I said something to him about that wicked encounter not reacting he told me I just wasn't throwing it right. He speaks to me like I'm an idiot. The other guy in town is much easier to get along with but doesn't have much equipment to work with. I'm kinda stuck as far as pro shops. The nearest one I have heard of who actually measures rev rate, pap, tilt, and axis roatation is 4 hours away in New Orleans.

As for surface prep, With both layouts I have tried the wicked encounter at box finish and I've tried taking it down using a 1000 abralon pad. It either rolls out or slides right through the breakpoint. Both My Action Packed and my frantic both box (1500 polished) react more in oil than it does.

Elimeno Pee

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Re: Heavy oil ball suggestions
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2013, 05:13:03 AM »
Almost sounds like you need to learn to drill yourself!! Maybe you could take over the local market with a little knowledge. 

The new Hammer First Blood lookslike nice.
Wise bowler told me once: K.I.S.S.   Keep it simple stupid.

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Re: Heavy oil ball suggestions
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2013, 06:16:43 AM »
That sucks..
hate it when it seems like you are bothering him, what an a$$hat

the more you can know, the better the decision that can be made.
Lucky for this area, there are some tremendous shops that EARN your business and actually care about you-the way it should be!
any chance you can post a video of your game? may help for suggestions


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Re: Heavy oil ball suggestions
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2013, 06:52:05 AM »
I will try and get some video the next time I can get some practice in. After watching some videos I think I can get The Pap, rev rate, tilt and axis rotation. I work with angles and distances everyday so it was fairly easy to understand. If I could find a cheap do do scale I would be tempted to fix up my own rig.


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Re: Heavy oil ball suggestions
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2013, 08:04:27 AM »
I will try and get some video the next time I can get some practice in. After watching some videos I think I can get The Pap, rev rate, tilt and axis rotation. I work with angles and distances everyday so it was fairly easy to understand. If I could find a cheap do do scale I would be tempted to fix up my own rig.

From the two layouts he gave you, he has no clue what he is doing.  He kicked the MB 6 inches from your thumb?  Then as a correction, he drills the pin that far right of your fingers.  Its no wonder that ball isnt very "wicked".  Without even seeing you roll a ball and just knowing you are a little speed dominate, I would have drilled it pin above the ring finger and just kick the cg/mb just far enough to put a small weight hole down.  As long as you are not full rolling the ball (track or oil rings going through your grip area), this is a fairly safe layout.  Sorry to hear you are having such a bad experience with that driller.  Does he do all your stuff or just the Wicked?
Steven Vance
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Re: Heavy oil ball suggestions
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2013, 08:32:02 AM »
Well the first layout was with the guy at my home alley. That's the only ball he has drilled for me. He took me out on the lanes and "measured my pap" but he is also the one hard to get along with. Tells me it's me and not the ball etc. He is a great bowler (220+ average) and has probably forgotten more about bowling than I will ever know. However he has only been drilling balls about 2 years.

 I then took the ball back to the guy about 30 minutes from me. He put the second layout on it. He is very nice and appreciates my business (once drilled a ball at 10:30 on a Friday night for me) but has never measured my pap. He drilled my action packed and frantic. The frantic is actually laid out about like he laid the wicked encounter out. It reacts better than the wicked but I'm still much more confident in the action packed with the simple pin down with cg straight below layout.


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Re: Heavy oil ball suggestions
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2013, 08:44:10 AM »
The Motiv Raptor Talon is an oil monster. Might want to look into that too.
Brandon Joseph
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Re: Heavy oil ball suggestions
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2013, 09:02:48 AM »
it sounds like your proshop guys have trouble with asymetrics. an asymmetric core with the same layout as the frantic will behave differently. if you want to try again with the wicked encounter core the enigma is a good deal stronger. other than that there is not much in columbia that could help you lol. the IQ solid is a very strong symetrical solid that loves oil up front. you may also want to lookat the modern marvel but other than those two i cant think of any more really strong symetrical solids that would fit your speed dominance


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Re: Heavy oil ball suggestions
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2013, 09:31:07 AM »

I went to the alley yesterday and through a few shots on camera to get my stats. These may not be exactly right but I feel like they are very close. I just need to get a little closer on my pap. I was in a hurry and a using a rag tape measuring numerous mid points was taking a long time. I could see where it was in the video I just couldn't get the tape on top of it to measure it.

17.5 mph (average foul line to pins)
350 rpm
35 degrees axis rotation
10 degrees tilt