This guy appears to be a "sandbagger" based on his averages and some honor scores listed on his USBC record. Now in all honesty, it could be purely coincidental or could be he is Bowling as a regular league member on a Sport or PBA League and subbing in a normal house shot league.
Take myself for example....although I have never carried a real high average but was regularly in the 200-210 range (missing spares killed me) I have been questioned about my averages the past couple of years being in the low 190's. People were getting pissed that I was getting sticks on them. I bowl in a mens league who uses the point per bowler system. I have been struggling through bad spans, layouts, a bad name it and it was bad. I finally have things in order and all feels good and my average is climbing back up and I should be back around 200 by the end of the fall leagues. Most of the Tourneys I do enter, I bowl Scratch.....and I don't enter into any brackets while bowling with my handicap because I don't think it is fair. I know I can put up good scores and so does everyone in the leagues I have bowled with over the past 10 years.
That is why my personal opinion on Mens Leagues is that they either become Scratch, set a max per bowler/team handicap or become a Sport League. Sandbagging is very common in my mens league and I hate it.....we have guys who are blatant averaging in the 160's who during every position round shoot 650 or better. We have guys who will miss easy spares on purpose......all over a few extra our last position round last week we had a guy bowling against us who brings in 10 $200 bowling balls but "only" averages like a 173 shoot a 760 series on us....he was well over +200 for the night. My teammate who was up against him shot 750 and lost all 4 of his points. We score a point per game and a point for total....