Hey Everyone!
I'm in the process of getting the Vise Interchangeable Thumb (IT) system on two bowling balls. I'm pretty excited and anxious to try it out. When Turbo came out with the Switch Grip, I wanted to try it, but never did. Here's my chance with Vise's recent product.
A few of my friends in league have it and they demonstrated it for me. One is a local pro that recently "switched" sorry, pun intended hehe. He really loves it. My other buddy just got it last Thursday and likes it too.
Anyways, just wanted to see who else is using this technology. What are your pro shops charging and how is the system working out for you so far.
I am a bowler that uses a lot of thumb tape (I ramp at least 3-4 in each thumb hole). This would save me a lot of tape if I get only 2 of these slugs drilled up. Cool!
Thanks everyone,
Edited on 1/25/2009 12:31 PM