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HELP!!!!!!! Need Advice
« on: September 26, 2008, 05:27:35 AM »
Hey guys....Just got back from the docs.....told me I have either a bulging disc(s) or a herniated one...need to have a MRI done first to find out but that might be a while since I don't have insurance....WOW.....anyone out there had this before?... How long was recovery and was it painful? ....Did it drastically affect your bowling any?...I'm a little worried and scared.... right now I'm taking a strong anti-inflammitory drug for the pain but that only helps a little.....Getting harder to bowl every week....Any advice would be appreciated ..Thanks
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Re: HELP!!!!!!! Need Advice
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2008, 01:36:27 PM »
Back pain sucks.  I've got degeneration in the lower lumbar region that sometimes causes disc bulges and sciatic pain.  Ask around and find a GOOD chiropractor.  Some people don't like them, but I've had good success with the ones I've seen.  But it depends on what you prefer... a "witch doctor" (aka chiropractor) that tries to adjust the body and allow it to heal naturally, or a "real doctor" who will prescribe tons of meds and want to cut you up into little bits on the OR table.

I prefer to take my chances with the witch doctor.  LOL.

Good luck either way!

Oh, I forgot to mention... if you're overweight or have a gut, try to lose it.  I notice that the smaller my belly is, the less my back aches.  Once you get the disc bulge corrected to where it's not hurting so much, exercise to keep your back, side, and abdominal muscles in shape.  Helps a ton.


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Re: HELP!!!!!!! Need Advice
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2008, 01:44:12 PM »
My old man herniated a disc a few years back, and he said the pain was excruciating. He finally went in to have it operated on, and while it took a bit of time to get back to 100%, he said it was well worth it as all the pain went away and he didn't lose any physical strength once he fully rehabbed. If it really is herniated, get it operated on, you won't regret it.
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Re: HELP!!!!!!! Need Advice
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2008, 01:44:33 PM »
Back pain sucks.  I've got degeneration in the lower lumbar region that sometimes causes disc bulges and sciatic pain.  Ask around and find a GOOD chiropractor.  Some people don't like them, but I've had good success with the ones I've seen.  But it depends on what you prefer... a "witch doctor" (aka chiropractor) that tries to adjust the body and allow it to heal naturally, or a "real doctor" who will prescribe tons of meds and want to cut you up into little bits on the OR table.

I prefer to take my chances with the witch doctor.  LOL.

Good luck either way!

Oh, I forgot to mention... if you're overweight or have a gut, try to lose it.  I notice that the smaller my belly is, the less my back aches.  Once you get the disc bulge corrected to where it's not hurting so much, exercise to keep your back, side, and abdominal muscles in shape.  Helps a ton.


Internet Tough Guy

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You will also want to strengthen your core.  This last time that I went into therapy for the back we did some exersises and I realized just how much my core sucked......

Lack of core + gut=  bad back.

I am fighting my way back now, but start now before it's to late.
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Re: HELP!!!!!!! Need Advice
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2008, 01:54:57 PM »
If you decide that an operation is the route you want to take, I'd suggest doing chiropractic for relief now (it will be cheaper, and you can generally work out deals on pricing and payment plans with chiro's easier than you can MD's).  When you get insurance you can always go to an MD for the operation.

Just another way to look at it.  I know I couldn't afford surgery without insurance.  The wife just had 4 moles removed, a very simple procedure (unlike I imagine back surgery to be), and the bill sent in to insurance for that was over 3 grand.


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Re: HELP!!!!!!! Need Advice
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2008, 03:14:27 PM »
Thanks guys... been going to a chiropractor for 8 years now...he's good but so far no relief from this...he suggested I go to my doctor...musta knew it was bad....
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Re: HELP!!!!!!! Need Advice
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2008, 03:55:52 PM »
Have you tried massage therapy?  My SIL is awesome at loosening up my back.  In fact, after she gives me a massage I tell my wife I married the wrong sister! Unfortunately, the SIL won't give me a "happy ending"...

Anyway, I wonder if a 1 - 2 punch might help?  Massage, then chiro.

And if it's bad enough your Chiro is recommending an MD... man.  I feel for ya.
Let us know if you find something that works!

Internet Tough Guy

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Re: HELP!!!!!!! Need Advice
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2008, 05:52:48 PM »
What do you think people did that had herniated disc before surgery became so popular. Conservative treatment, rest, exercise.

If bowling is aggravating your back injury, stop bowling for a while and get your doc to tell you some exercises and stretches that you can do to help strengthen the area.

I have a herniated disc with bone spurs in my cervical area. Used to give me the most problems when I made tackles playing football. I finally got smart and quit the team.

My mother has had three back surgeries and still suffers from back pain.

Over the last 21 years, I have seen numerous clients that have undergone back surgeries and were worse after than before.

Don't have the surgery unless it is absolutely necessary. Find a doctor who is committed to treating you conservatively and helping you, that way first.

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Re: HELP!!!!!!! Need Advice
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2008, 06:05:48 PM »
I've been kickin around that idea about which direction to go...not excited about surgery....
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Re: HELP!!!!!!! Need Advice
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2008, 06:20:31 PM »
Surgery should be your last option. I was having signigicant problems in January. They had scheduled epidural shots but I got to thinking about it and decided to deal with the pain, rather than having a needle stuck in my spine and drugs shot in that had a 50 50 chance of helping.

Again, it sounds like you need to take a break from bowling, find a good doctor that beleives in conservative treatment and has a proven record of success and follow his advice. BTW, chiropractors are more advanced now then they were 20 years ago. They can be a helf for many. The good ones know what they should and should not do.

Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.

Most things we like, we don't need. Most things we need, we don't like. Don't confuse your likes with your needs.


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Re: HELP!!!!!!! Need Advice
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2008, 09:38:57 PM »
anyone out there had this before?

Yes, back in 1994, I hurt my back at work.  Went to chiropractor twice but those manipulations made it worse - I could barely walk out of his office after the last visit.  Had MRI, found out it was a bulging disc and pressing on a nerve.  Had severe pain in leg and difficulty walking.  

How long was recovery and was it painful?

Had surgery on 1 Sept 94 and after it healed, went to two weeks of exercise therapy.  Even immediately after the surgery, the only pain medication I took was aspirin.  I was walking the day after the surgery.  There was pain in my back, but it was minor compared to what I had experienced before the surgery.  Even today, there is still a bit of minor ache in the lower back, but my surgeon had told me before the surgery that the pain would vary for different patients.  I tried to be as active as I could after the surgery, walking more each week.

Did it drastically affect your bowling any?

Doctor would not allow me to bowl until about mid-October and then only with a 12 pound ball.  It wasn't until about January when I went back to 15 pound ball.  I think I was a little stiff and sore when I first started bowling again, but that went away quickly.  Once I got back to 15#, I was bowling the same as before.


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