Hi guys, I'm not sure what the name of the device is, but I'm sure it's some sort of a pitch gauge. Decided to mess with it at the local pro shop and I tried my luck at doing this myself. My span is 4 1/4 and I am right handed. Could you guys explain to me what my thumb pitches are?
NOTE: PLEASE DISREGARD THE Hyphen's typed out next to the finger/thumbholes, it's the only way I could make the picture work for some reason!
Diagram #1
0 0
I placed the ball down on the ball cup and made sure that the thumbhole was facing the ceiling. The finger holes were positioned facing away from me. When I placed the Pitch gauge in the thumbhole it measured between 1/16 & 1/8
Diagram #2
I placed the ball down on the cup and made sure that the thumbhole was facing the ceiling once again. But this time, the finger holes were positioned to my left. When I placed the gauge in the thumbhole it measued 1/4.
I don't remember if the pointer was pointing towards the right or left when I did these measurements. I do know for a fact that when I put my thumb in the ball, it feels positioned going towards the palm instead of away. Does that mean it's pitched Forward according to what I said in diagram #2? Still confused. Don't know if this is enough info, but any kind of help would be appreciative!
Frustrated with Pitches (hehe)
Ramil Torres
S.F. Bay Area, California
Edited on 11/9/2004 10:47 AM
Edited on 11/9/2004 11:00 AM