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Author Topic: Help  (Read 1423 times)


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« on: January 14, 2004, 09:42:21 PM »
I know everyone hates these topics, but I respect so many opinions on here I thought I would try it anyway.  If I get no responses nothing lost.  With going to nationals and everything in just a few months and the prospect of being able to lay my hands on some new balls fairly cheap I am wondering what my arsenal isn't covering or if I should stop tinkering with it.  Right now this is what I am carrying in my bag.  I guess I am not asking what type of ball I should get I am asking what condition or type of reaction are not covered.  I feel there is a gap, but I want to see if I am right.  

Freak sanded to 800 ton of games on it doesn't handle the heavy heavy like it used too but always finds the hole and hits hard.

Addiction sanded to 1000 is not as angular in its break as I thought it would be and doesn't handle too much oil very well, but reads the lane well with a nice arc.

track hex-  polished to 1200  ball flat gets down the lane and snaps hard.  I have never really gotten used to this ball.  It seems very over under very jumpy.  I wanted big backend, but maybe more controlable.

messenger ti pearl  polished to 2000.  gets down the lane and turns hard

sonic x pearl polished to 2000 tremendous length way down the lane with a few boards of movement carries well.  

plastic spare ball

so what is everyones thoughts.  I finally broke down and realized I can teach myself no more and have gotten a coach.  We have talked this over and I am looking for other opinions just to get perspective.  It may even be as simple as changing a few balls in the bag for ones on the shelf.
I don't really play cards and I am not 79, but it fits together somehow.



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Re: Help
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2004, 06:20:40 AM »

Freak sanded to 800 ton of games on it doesn't handle the heavy heavy like it used too but always finds the hole and hits hard.

Andy, what got me here was the "ton" of games comment:  Get a Phenom Unleashed or MoRich Mayhem for heavy stuff to replace the Freak.  I say this because you like the Freak, so I'm staying in that genre.

Addiction sanded to 1000 is not as angular in its break as I thought it would be and doesn't handle too much oil very well, but reads the lane well with a nice arc.

Keep for medium heavies....arc, and readability is always good.

track hex-  polished to 1200  ball flat gets down the lane and snaps hard.  I have never really gotten used to this ball.  It seems very over under very jumpy.  I wanted big backend, but maybe more controlable.

Have you tried sanding it to say 1200 (or white scotch brite) does that help?
If you've tried stuff and don't like it, get rid of it.
Here is your gap. You need a nice all around medium condition ball, something versatile:  Silver Streak Solid, MoRich Hercules w/ a semi-strong drill, V2 sanded w/ a slight polish on it........something that will cover a big range of mediums but has a different look than your Addiction.....

messenger ti pearl  polished to 2000.  gets down the lane and turns hard

Good, keep it.........

sonic x pearl polished to 2000 tremendous length way down the lane with a few boards of movement carries well.  

Good, keep it.....

plastic spare ball
 GOOD ! KEEP IT !  Practice your spares religiously before the tourney

I finally broke down and realized I can teach myself no more and have gotten a coach.

GOOD!  Doesn't it feel good !??  I don't know how I did it without a professional watching me and helping me!?!

Good luck,...sounds like you're OK.........
Hello, I just lowered my track !

Edited on 1/16/2004 7:17 AM


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Re: Help
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2004, 06:34:13 AM »
card--I agree with revs about needing a versatile medium condition ball.  I think the V2, Monster Bruiser, Smash/r etc.  I also agree that you lack a heavy oil ball.  The phenom unleashed wasn't designed to handle as much oil as the phenom (Ric Clint is selling a used 15#er).  I think by filling in those holes you would be better off.



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Re: Help
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2004, 08:27:17 AM »
The other reason is that you have to march out to the lanes in a parade carring all of your equipment for the team event, and four balls is fairly difficult to carry that far.

Unless they have changed the rules again, you can use bowling bags with wheels now and roll your equipment down to the lanes.  But, if you have to carry your equipment, depends on how strong you are.  

I just want 2C was'zzub.

I am the SGT Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing!"
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

ABC/USBC Lifetime Member since Aug 1995.


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Re: Help
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2004, 08:35:59 AM »
Practice throwing on a flat pattern a few times and you will know where your holes really are. The average house shot hides a lot of things. Sometimes balls will impress or depress you on a sport patterns. If you can get someone to lay out sport patterns for you try a 37,39 and 42ft patterns, medium volumes. If you have a ball that does not come off your hand comfortable pitch it or work on the fit. Repitition in making multy pin spares with a straight ball can be a big help also. The biggest tip is ** stay positive** its all a learning experience, come along for the ride. I had always liked bowling Nationals made me addicted to bowling. I hate something that kicks my arse.


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Re: Help
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2004, 11:59:41 AM »
Thanks everyone I appreciate it very much.  I am puzzle by a few things so I will ask.  I read in one somebody said they didn't think I truly had a heavy oil ball.  The freak doesn't hook like it used too, but when none of the balls will even wrinkle it will still give me enough boards to get some entry angle.  I do see quite a few floods expecially in a really old house I bowl in, but do you really think a more aggressive ball would be waranted.  

The mid range hole is what my coach pointed at.  I am told that the sonic is a good start, but I need something more aggressive with the same control to compliment the messenger.  Is that of the same opinion as the rest of you?

I don't really play cards and I am not 79, but it fits together somehow.