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Author Topic: Help  (Read 2764 times)


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« on: May 26, 2004, 09:58:36 AM »
I am having a heck of a problem that I have never faced before.  RIght now I'm bowlin summer league and the lanes are completely different that the fall.  Every shot I throw I am gettin a serious over under reaction and I am struggling.  I usually average 190 at other houses this house in fall i avg 170 and right now i am at a 125, lol. I have done everythin in my ability to stop this.  I have changed speed, hand positions, taken revs off, different balls including urethane and plastic, and i still get the same result, somethin uncontollable and unpredictable.  Anyone with any kind of revs are havin problems and lefties are too (like me, I usually play 40 to 10 about 17 mph).  Can anyone help me, Im killin my wrist and I have no more ideas, thanks in advance



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Re: Help
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2004, 01:58:11 AM »


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Re: Help
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2004, 02:19:39 AM »
I noticed that you had 'ttt' this.  It is kinda late and you will probably get more replies in the morning.  I wish I could offer some help but your style and side of the lanes is not similar to myself.     Did you ask the manager or laneman what kind of shot is being put out currently and how is it different from the winter?  Is there anybody else having success and how are they playing the lanes?  I would guess that the over/under is because the back-ends are drier than before - would a ball drilled to roll earlier or arc, help in this situation?

Well, if nothing else, consider this a ttt for you.  

I just want 2C was'zzub.

I am the SGT Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing!"
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

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Re: Help
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2004, 03:01:20 AM »
Well I talked to the person who oils the lanes and he said it was the same but he is using less oil on the insides.  In the fall it changes every week cause the lanes puddle up but they try a 10 by 10, like i say in my profile these lanes are awful, but it usually is good place to get better.  The people that are havin success are extremely low rev bowlers and straight bowlers(its a fun league, why ain't i havin fun then, lol).  
I have tried earlier rolling balls, old school hammer urethanes and a weak drilled savage, to try to kill some of the backend, with no sucess.  Thanx for the advise though


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Re: Help
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2004, 08:40:15 AM »
Slimey I know you say you are a cranker.  I just want to establish that you put your thumb in the ball correct.  I would say that it sounds like to me the backends are really clean with not that much play on them during the day before your league.  Do they oil the lanes in the morning or right before your league?  It could also be the heat and humidity or tons of other things.  I know the one house I bowl in when it gets hot like this.  If they don't keep the air cranked the lanes dry out in a heartbeat.
I don't really play cards and I am not 79, but it fits together somehow.


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Re: Help
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2004, 08:55:10 AM »
Yeah, I dealt with this last summer.  Averaged 213 on the fall shot, then damn-near killed myself trying to keep 190 in the summer.  They reduced the volume of oil on the lane because we were a 4-man vs. 5 man team.  To me, it was like they stopped oiling the lanes altogether.  Suddenly keeping anything on the pocket side of the headpin became a physical nightmare.

If horse racing is the sport of kings, then surely bowling is a very good sport as well.

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Re: Help
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2004, 10:11:22 AM »
learn to play: DOWN AND  IN!


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Re: Help
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2004, 10:47:44 AM »
Down and in?  Most LHs I have watched mainly play that type of line.  Which brings up a question for slimeypebble.  Have you tried moving your line in deep?  Like 20 to 15, to avoid the dry outsides?  With less oil volume but the same pattern, the ball sounds like it is revving up quicker in the reduced volume and really taking off when it hits the dry, so trying to keep it in the oil longer may help.

I just want 2C was'zzub.

I am the SGT Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing!"
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

ABC/USBC Lifetime Member since Aug 1995.


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Re: Help
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2004, 12:07:45 PM »
Well to answer some of the questions or statements, yes I do bowl with a thumb in the ball.  The league I am in, is the only one in the house for the summer, and I do not htink that they are oilin the lanes proper cause the owner is very cheap and could care less about the house.
I have played the down and in shot with every ball I own, with different speeds, rev rates and hand poss., and it does not matter, still jumps extremely violently. Plus I do not like playing that line, very boring(i will not get started on that topic).
I enjoy playin the inside, usually that is the only area I can play on the lanes.  I have tried playin 40 sending it to 10, goin over the gutter caps, and I just struggle
thanx for the help


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Re: Help
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2004, 01:08:37 PM »
don't mean to be redundant here - but - have you tried plastic?
either a spare type ball or an XXXL?
Because if these balls won't work for you on this kind of condition, you might want to seriously evaluate your A game, and develop a B game for toast.

Ability is what you're capable of doing.
Motivation determines what you do.
Attitude determines how well you do it.
 - Lou Holtz
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Re: Help
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2004, 12:18:22 AM »
I have tried 2 kinds of plastic, a ebonite gem stone and I have tried my moms old yellow dot(whick i got drilled for me).  I was still playing a deep line and my breakpoint was very unpredictable, which i'm not use to.  One time I would get a roll to the pocket, next the ball would jump, and the next the ball would not come up.  I was keepin the same speed, release,  and mark, I just was not comfortable with plastic.  The thing that gets me, i went down to practice, and I could roll my usually line from fall, using my usuals i keep in my bag.  Maybe they might be good to me tomorrow but if not thanx for all of your help

Edited on 6/1/2004 0:16 AM


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Re: Help
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2004, 01:16:06 AM »
Hey slimeypebble its sounds like lane i bowl on. i avg 207 in my fall league and right now im barely avg 185.  Im the only high rev rate player that bowls in the league so it sucks. Last week i was throwing my highly polished spare ball cross 4th arrow to about 10 with some what good carry. its either that or take my weakest ball and toss it over gutter and be more in back of the ball and still go Brooklyn. Then i look at what other people are throwing and there throwing XXX X factors, KILLER INSTINCT SANDED, and Big Blue and Big Blue Pearls. So I go and talk to my lane guy, btw (Hes a Big Drunk) and he said that the lane only supplys him with a certain amount of oil each month and it has to last. I got a Blazing Inferno coming this thursday and im going to drill this thing to go LONG!!!! Im still going to be playing around 5 or 6 arrow with is but thats where i play my best. So Slimeypebble i would drill up a Sonic x Pearl or a Soild, that would do the trick. Go To they have them pretty cheap.
If You Want To Throw High Scores, Throw Roto-Grip.