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Author Topic: help filling gaps  (Read 459 times)


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help filling gaps
« on: February 08, 2009, 03:41:43 AM »
I am redrilling all my balls due to changing pitches and going to no grips.

I figure if I have to fill the fingers anyway and change the pitch on my thumbs why not pick and choose what balls to use and how to lay them out as opposed to just plugging and drilling the same layouts (which are basically all drilled the same (hate my old driller))

so here is what I have to choose from:

Already drilled :  (current drill)

visionary ogre pearl  pin to pap = 3 1/2 stacked

could be redrilled:

lane #1 evolution
lane #1 carbide plus
lane #1 SCB (never really liked it)
visionary ogre ss
visionary gladiator
visionary gladiator pearl
lane masters buzz

my PAP is 4 1/2 by 1 1/4 up
i track right next to the thumb slug and about an 1 to 1 1/2 inch away from the fingers. thats why my pap is 1 1/4 UP.

revs are medium at best and i dont feel like that hurts me, i just adjust speed or ball and i can strike with everyone else.

i feel like everything i have is for medium lane conditions which is good because thats what i see but whats the point of having everything for medium.

so maybe you guys can help me pick some layouts (ROUGHLY) to build an arsenal.
and maybe help me figure out where i have a gap and need a ball for that condition.

i could choose my own stuff but like i said i have too many to choose from and am looking to do it right this time and have all areas covered as best as possible.
Visionary Test Staff 08/09

all visionary this year

ogre ss
glad. pearl

Edited on 2/8/2009 12:45 PM