After you leave a single pin on a seemingly good shot, get a little mad, that's OK, but get over it and evaluate what just happened. There's always a reason your not carrying, barring off-spot pins, unlevel pin decks, or anything other type of unusual circumstance. In today's high scoring environment where anyone can get to the pocket, the only challenge that is left is figuring out how to carry.
It's OK to be frustrated when your not carrying, but the key is to learn from it and put it behind you. Once the ball leaves your hand there's nothing more you can do, but watch how it rolls, reacts and interacts with the pins. If you get disciplined at doing that, and learn how to adjust for some of the things that you see. I think you will start to agree that there's typically a reason your not carrying. So, basically just view "BAD BREAKS" as a challenge or problem for which you need to find the solution. If you start getting into the habit of evaluating every shot, you'll find there won't be as much time to get angry over "BAD BREAKS".
I've been lucky long I'd like to get good.
Edited on 9/29/2005 8:24 AM