ok after playing 10 games on fresh oil , just on my own I realized Im looking for 2 much ball.. My diamond back started rolling early at about my 6th game and was getting VERY tough for me to find another line that worked.. So 6 games on my own is 1 league game ( avg ) with everyone else burning things up as well.. SO i think the MC especially is gonna be to much ball for anything after one game...
At the moment I have a Diamondback, a freeze and the t zone for my spares.. heres the list again from the front page.. Ill have to check on what other balls he had on the shelves, cuz I was only looking at the heavier oil balls ,
Also there.. ( basically any 2 for 350 ) mission, c system 2.5,evil siege, reign, Cell, rogue Cell, curve, big curve ( god is that thing ugly ) pure swing, full swing, total bedlam, nomad pearl,
Wild ride, avalanche ( dont know what one ), python, slingshot,hyroad, fast
Brunswick Diamondback
Brunswick T-Zone
Brunswick Black Ice Zone
Columbia 300 Freeze
16.5 mph ball speed
330 Rev
Work in progress