I have this big tourney tommorow (and possibly sunday if I qualify). Its called the Parker Bohn III Scholarship Tournament. This, to me, is a big thing, and Im very nervous and excited. Im bringing 5 balls (which is all the ones I have lol) but Im not sure if I should alter the surface on any of them. Heres what I have, and the surface.
Triple X Factor-pin under ring, cg in palm-box finish
Bruiser-label drilling, pin above and right of ring finger, cg in palm-polished (not super high, but its polished a lil higher then box)
Slay/r-same drilling as bruiser-was polished, kind of like a matte surface now, now real shiny
Green gargoyle-pin over ring, cg stacked-polished, but again, not super high polish
Then the 5th is just my plastic ball.
I was thinking of bringing down the surface of the bruiser to an 800 grit w/ a green scotchbrite pad so that its a bit more arcy, and more controlable. Also so that it hooks up in oil a little more. Im not sure what the oil pattern will be like, but I just want to be able to be ready for anything. So any suggestions are welcome, though if I dont get any, more then likely they will all stay as they are.
16 years and still going strong! 16 years old that is!

The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
And why would I "saw" pins in half, THATS A WASTE OF PINS!