Armageddon from AZO. This ball was released in 1999, so it was a few years before I started bowling. Also looks like they had 2 other releases using this technology (Little Boy and Fat Man).
What can you tell me about these balls and the coverstock? Since they only had 3 releases, I guess it didn't create any sort of revolution?
Specifically designed to achieve maximum hook potential, and to enhance ball controllability and behavioral characteristics. The Nitrothane outer cover is pre-stressed. This means that the nitrogen rich molecular structure provides unparalleled ball reaction for most any skill level. If you are looking for consistent scoring and explosive results in your game, the ARMAGEDDON Bowling Ball delivers more than you would expect from a nitro compound! Chemistry you need to know. At AZOTM, we saw the basic short-comings of today’s “reactive balls”...though the covers are made “reactive” through various mixes and resins, they do not match the core material. As you remember from basic chemistry, like likes like. This simple yet important chemical fact is the basis for ARMAGEDDON’s extraordinary striking power. This is the only ball made with Nitrothane, a nitrogen compound, married to a polyurethane core. Nitrothane, being a part of the nitrogen chemical group, employs a pre-stressed molecular structure maximizing ARMAGEDDON’s hook potential. This precise matching of pure, like materials gives you the winning edge! The exclusive chemical formulation of Nitrothane, and its structural matching to a polyurethane core, was created by Burtin Corporation in their Polyurethane Chemical Laboratory. The introduction of Burtin's revolutionary thinking into bowling ball technology may be the beginning of a new revolution in bowling ball technology.</quote>
Edited by qstick777 on 3/9/2011 at 9:36 AM