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Author Topic: What's the worst thing you've done on the 12th ball???  (Read 2745 times)

Ric Clint

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What's the worst thing you've done on the 12th ball???
« on: October 18, 2003, 10:52:20 AM »
Well, you probably won't beleive this story, but I can promise you it's true, and I have never heard the end of it from all my buddies until 7-8 months later when I shot my first 800.

Okay - the first time that I'd ever made it to the 12th ball in league, I was so nervous and I got up there and threw the stupid ball right in the GUTTER!!! I shot 290 with with the FIRST 11... not the last 11!!!

Now, I've heard of people fouling on the 12th ball, but not throwing it in the gutter!!!

2 weeks ago, I finally shot 290 the RIGHT way... this time with a spare in the first and then the last 11 strikes.

There's only 2 ways that you can shoot 290... and I've done it BOTH ways!!!

Who else can say they've done that??? What a joke!!!

Everybody ragged me for a long time until a little while later, when I came up and shot my first sanctioned 800.

BTW, I've got 2 of the "11 In A Row" plaques for a 290 game, and both of them say that I spared in the first frame and then struck out. Where as, on the first plaque, it should say that I had the FIRST 11 strikes and then on the last ball, threw it in the gutter... it should have a little "minus" symbol for the last ball. We filled out the award form right, but maybe somebody at the place where it was sent thought that we marked the wrong thing by accident and they maybe thought that we "meant" that I had the last 11 strikes, instead of me having the FIRST 11 strikes with a gutter ball on the 12th???

Or, are all the plaques "universal"? Meaning that they are all the same no matter how you shoot a 290... and that they don't make them like that, because they figure nobody would ever throw the darn last ball in the dadgum GUTTER!!!

Do you think I could maybe send it back and then them send me a "correct" one???

Or do I just keep it the way it is?

Call me stupid, but since I actually did throw it in the gutter, I want the plaque to say that I threw it in the gutter!!!

OK, you all can chime in and reply back and laugh at me and my gutter ball now... LOL...

Edited on 10/19/2003 2:06 AM



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Re: What's the worst thing you've done on the 12th ball???
« Reply #16 on: October 20, 2003, 03:02:05 AM »
When it happened I feel down I was laughing so hard...........think it was the first time I have ever left that since I have started bowling..(or at least in my memory banks anyway...)....

Have my share of 300's....but how many can say they have a 297 with a lily on the end of the string???

makes me uni-q-ue.....;-)
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Re: What's the worst thing you've done on the 12th ball???
« Reply #17 on: October 20, 2003, 03:17:52 AM »
Ive seen 282---front 10, 4-4 (3-4-6-7-9-10). Ive also seen 295---front 11 greek church.

The worst Ive done was 2-8-10 count wise. My first and 20th 300s were pretty bad though. Number 1 I pulled the ball about an arrow in and went jersey and tripped the 6-10. Then the 20th, my 11th ball was jersey and the 12th tripped the bucket. Always have problems with the milestone 300s---1, 10, and 20 all had jerseys late in the games. My other 18---have none. Weird.
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Chris Green
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Re: What's the worst thing you've done on the 12th ball???
« Reply #18 on: October 20, 2003, 11:49:04 AM »
I remember back when I avgd. around 150, I was having a really bad night.  Not carrying anything, and not making my spares either.  It was the 6th frame, and I missed another spare - the 10 pin I left from a great brooklyn pocket shot.  This left me a nice score of 54 in the 6th!  I had to throw 3 in a row and fill the rest of the frames to make my avg, which I did and we won the game!!


Why, WHY won't the last one just fall??  It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!
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Re: What's the worst thing you've done on the 12th ball???
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2003, 03:34:21 PM »
The old classic happened to me last year...front 11 then a nasty tug leaving the 4-6-10.  Really a stupid thing to have done, but atleast I pulled things together and managed another 800 that night!

The worst thing that I have seen wasn't for a 300 but it was in the 12th frame.  A kid that bowls at my house was going for his first 800 and had thrown some good solid strikes in the 9th, 10th and 11th frames.  All he needs is a whopping 6 count in the 12th for an 800 on the nose.  His last ball just never made it up and he left a wash out 5 count for a 799!!!  We still don't let him live it down to this day!  LMAO!!