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Author Topic: Help needed  (Read 4660 times)


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Help needed
« on: June 25, 2004, 08:53:09 AM »
I have a quick question for someone in the know.
I have been bowling in a center that switched to synthetic lanes 6 weeks before the end of this past season. Well after the change over I am struggling. I joined a summer league because I needed the practice to figure out what is wrong.
Equipment used has been: Reaction Arc and a Ti Messenger Pearl

Reaction Arc – This ball was good the first year I had it, and then it broke down so fast. I had it resurfaced 2 times last season and it still has no back end. It still hooks in an Arc, but no finish. I had the pro take the positive weight (3/4) out of the ball and now it is at 0. It rolls like my pearl but still no back end.

Ti Messenger Pearl – I bought this at the beginning of the last season for light to medium oil and it is a good solid all around ball to use. It has 3/4 positive weight.

Here is my question, (sorry I am long winded)
I just ordered a new Ball, it is a Big Block Diesel. I need to know if I should have it drilled with Positive, Negative or Zero weight?

With the Reaction Arc - I normally stand, left foot between 35 and 40, walk straight and swing out to 10-15.
With the Ti Messenger Pearl - I normally stand, left foot between 30 and 35, and walk towards 25 and roll down the 10 straight and flip in to the heads at the end.
The lane conditions are 10 to 10, heavier towards the middle, but not HEAVY OIL, I would say it is Medium oil.
I don’t throw a Hard Fast ball
I don’t throw a ball with a lot of Revs
I do come out of the ball from underneath, if you understand what I mean, not the palm of the hand facing the pins on my lane, but facing the pins on the lane to my left.  

My Average was 195 this past season and 208 in the summer league (I am not leaving as many 10 pins using the pearl, now I am leaving more of the 8 or 9 pin and the occasional 10 pin.

Any help will be appreciated.



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Re: Help needed
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2004, 03:09:01 AM »
Some more GOOD points by Drrev2000

TOO many IDIOTS, so LITTLE time.


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Re: Help needed
« Reply #17 on: June 26, 2004, 09:26:14 AM »
You said your Columbia reaction Arc has totaly quit on the back end since the instalation of the Synthetic lanes-Right? quote]
Wrong, the Arc quit hitting about 1 1/2 years ago, I have had it resurfaced twice and sand or polished almost every other week. I bought the Ti 1 year ago after struggling with the Arc for about 6 months. Even after I bought the Ti, I would still start off each week using the Arc because I could not belive that a ball could loose its action, I thought the problem was me. Every time I would switch over to the Ti, I would find my line in 2 or three frames and I was back in the groove again.

Urethane Game

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Re: Help needed
« Reply #18 on: June 26, 2004, 11:04:08 AM »
Drrev, I did address his original question with regard to static weights.  Given Columbia particle balls history of premature death and given the fact that the old bowling surface was fairly rough, I can only assume that the Arc is dead.  It was never a flippy ball even with polish.  Furtermore since his release seems to be more off the back of the ball (and I will assume with an old school lift and turn release) the ball may never be a good match for his game, especially with slower speed.

You also suggested he play different lines and not be a one line bowler.  I took this from your profile " I normally stand 20 board and swing around 10-15 board at the arrows."  That is really some advanced lane play.

Thanks for your stamp of OK response approval.
got revs?


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Re: Help needed
« Reply #19 on: June 26, 2004, 12:13:06 PM »
Furtermore since his release seems to be more off the back of the ball (and I will assume with an old school lift and turn release) the ball may never be a good match for his game, especially with slower speed.
What did you mean when you said "I will assume with an old school lift and turn release". Am I a dinosoar? Should I try somethimg new?
What did you mean when you said that "the ball may never be a good match for his game, especially with slower speed"?
thanks again Guys, I need all the help.
I will give a little more history of my bowling.
Started in 66
quit in 84
started up again in 98
best season was 2001/2002, starting avg was 184, in late feb I bought the ARC, with the ARC my high series was 797, I had a total of 3 more 700's before the end of the season with the ARC. The Arc was a good ball for a while.


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Re: Help needed
« Reply #20 on: June 26, 2004, 12:23:28 PM »

He stated that the Ti MEssenger was still hitting.... therefore its not a specifc lane problem.  If its anything to do with the lanes its the relationship between that and the coverstock.
Gottem' Drippin Like Water


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Re: Help needed
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2004, 12:52:35 PM »

He stated that the Ti MEssenger was still hitting.... therefore its not a specifc lane problem.  If its anything to do with the lanes its the relationship between that and the coverstock.
Gottem' Drippin Like Water

I agree, the Ti is hitting good and my avg is up in the summer league, but I am also not leaving as many (dreaded) 10pins as I was with the Arc. I will say that the Ti will never hit like the Arc did when the Arc was new, maybe it is me and the way I roll the Ti, but the Arc was a crusher when it was new, I was amazed at the games I had.
This is why I am going to the Big Block Diesel, maybe I can get back into the groove with that ball.

Edited on 6/26/2004 12:51 PM


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Re: Help needed
« Reply #22 on: June 26, 2004, 01:00:20 PM »
Ebonite Hook-Again system - I will look into this, is this something that is sold at the pro shops?
With the money I have spent in resurfacing the ball twice, $35.00 each time, and $3.00 each week for the last year to have the ball sanded or polished, I am a little reluctant to spend any more.


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Re: Help needed
« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2004, 01:41:16 PM »
Cant we all just get along?  

Seriously, though, thanks to all who have posted for providing different views on a problem.  Only Realoldman can determine what will actually be the cause of his problems and only by having different, did I stress different, viewpoints will he be able to do this.  We dont all have to agree, but we can be nice about it.

But then again, I am probably just wrong on this like everything else.  

I just want 2C was'zzub.

I am the SGT Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing!"
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

ABC/USBC Lifetime Member since Aug 1995.


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Re: Help needed
« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2004, 01:46:28 PM »
MI 2 AZ - I think we are in the same town. I live in a 1 house town but I drive up to Tucson to Bowl.


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Re: Help needed
« Reply #25 on: June 26, 2004, 01:56:34 PM »
Sierra-Huachuca Association?

I just want 2C was'zzub.

I am the SGT Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing!"
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

ABC/USBC Lifetime Member since Aug 1995.


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Re: Help needed
« Reply #26 on: June 26, 2004, 02:02:19 PM »
MI 2 AZ - Green valley / Sahuarita


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Re: Help needed
« Reply #27 on: June 26, 2004, 02:05:52 PM »
Back to the subject

Can anyone tell me what Urethane Game meant when he said

Furtermore since his release seems to be more off the back of the ball (and I will assume with an old school lift and turn release) the ball may never be a good match for his game, especially with slower speed.
What did he mean when he said "I will assume with an old school lift and turn release".  
Should I try somethimg new?

What did he mean when he said that "the ball may never be a good match for his game, especially with slower speed"?

Edited on 6/26/2004 2:02 PM


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Re: Help needed
« Reply #28 on: June 26, 2004, 02:08:14 PM »
realoldman - Sierra Vista. They just closed down the only center in town, Vista Lanes, so now the only bowling center is the one on Ft Huachuca.

I just want 2C was'zzub.

I am the SGT Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing!"
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

ABC/USBC Lifetime Member since Aug 1995.


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Re: Help needed
« Reply #29 on: June 26, 2004, 02:12:14 PM »
I think UG meant by your username and description of your release that you learned the old method of lift and turn and probably do not have a lot of revs.  With slower speed and low revs, the Arc will just hook up too early and may be burning up its energy too soon (it is designed to arc, not skid-snap).
The Pearl Messenger will go longer and have more skid-snap buiit into it so may work better for you.

But I am just guessing again.  Hopefully he will elaborate further.  

I just want 2C was'zzub.

I am the SGT Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing!"
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

ABC/USBC Lifetime Member since Aug 1995.

Urethane Game

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Re: Help needed
« Reply #30 on: June 26, 2004, 03:09:18 PM »
WOW, talk about getting your feelings hurt.  Your honor scores in the era of the cheater ball mean nothing to me and most certainly give your answers no more credibility.  Your thoughts were excellent but, as I said before, he asked a very specific question about what kind of static weights his new ball should have.  I answered and tried to point him in the right direction.

Perpaps we should compare Sport Bowling averages and scores?  Or better yet ACT,SAT or IQ scores?  For the record, I have bowled 300 and it means as much to me as my highest score in Pac Man.  I suspect you are too young to remember Pac Man or a time in bowling when shooting even one honor score meant something.
got revs?