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Help on Picking Out a Ball
« on: June 23, 2014, 10:34:28 PM »
Hey everybody,

I need help on a new ball to purchase for when lanes break down. The house I'm currently at breaks down quickly and I always seem to struggle game 3 lately. For the past 6 months, I seem to be at 500 after 2 games and half the time fail to even shoot 700. I throw the ball around 18mph with around 450 revs on average. Most of my equipment seems to be around the benchmark to slightly above benchmark ball area (ie dv8 reckless, storm iq tour pearl, etc). I feel I need something much weaker for game 3 in order to score for all 3 games. In the past I've been successful with freezes and sharp noizes for later games but I'd like to get something new.

Would like to hear suggestions on what balls would be good fits. Also with someone like myself with a high rev rate and slightly higher than average speed, would urethane be an option? Something like a pitch black? I'm concerned I'll lose hitting power and carry percentage.

All thoughts and ideas appreciated!
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Re: Help on Picking Out a Ball
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2014, 11:39:19 PM »
I throw a little less on the mph and a little less revs but I have been loving my seismic euphoria when it's time to ball down. Clean through the fronts nice little hook on the back and hits hard.

I have a friend who's been using an arson low flare that he really like too stats close to yours


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Re: Help on Picking Out a Ball
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2014, 01:18:09 AM »
My ball for your described conditions is the 2012 root grip shout. 

It gets down the lane with ease, and is smooth off the spot.  The uproar is slightly cleaner with the same layout.  Can't go wrong with either!...I usually have to slow both down as they are so low end they don't want to kick the corner out!
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Re: Help on Picking Out a Ball
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2014, 06:58:16 AM »
My ball for your described conditions is the 2012 root grip shout. 

It gets down the lane with ease, and is smooth off the spot.  The uproar is slightly cleaner with the same layout.  Can't go wrong with either!...I usually have to slow both down as they are so low end they don't want to kick the corner out!

Not a bad idea, but I wonder, with the original poster's high ball speed if something like a polished Rumble, a 505C2, LT-48, Eruption Proor a Motiv Venom Shock might not be a better choice.
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Re: Help on Picking Out a Ball
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2014, 07:24:19 AM »
Charlest, I do love me some Motiv, but I would lean more toward the Tribal or perhaps the Ascent Apex (depending on how big a jump the OP would want to make).  The Venom Shock is surprisingly strong and significantly more ball than the older Venom series balls.

If the OP is looking for a small step down for that pesky 3rd game, then a big jump isn't necessary so I wouldn't consider urethane for the most part.  Something along the lines of what Charlest stated (minus the Venom Shock) could be a better option.  Nothing too strong but not super weak.


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Re: Help on Picking Out a Ball
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2014, 07:39:58 AM »
What about a Misfit? Or even a Dude/Diva Pearl drilled accordingly? I have the same feeling that even though your rev rate is up, so is your ball speed. Urethane would be a hit or miss. Maybe you could go with an LT-48, Ringer Solid or Platinum, one of the Grease Monkeys or something like the Misfit Solid or Red Orange or a Dude or Diva Pearl. I have used the Dude, Diva Pearl, ringer platinum and LT-48 with success in similar situations. I've even used a Ruckus drilled 80/2.5/55 . . . There's another option too. You could use an asymmetric ball drilled 90/2.25/70. I've used this drilling on a few of my high rev/high speed guys with great success. We bowl on old wood in one house and newer synthetics in another. Those balls score well @ both locations.
Tom M.


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Re: Help on Picking Out a Ball
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2014, 10:09:43 AM »
Charlest, I do love me some Motiv, but I would lean more toward the Tribal or perhaps the Ascent Apex (depending on how big a jump the OP would want to make).  The Venom Shock is surprisingly strong and significantly more ball than the older Venom series balls.

If the OP is looking for a small step down for that pesky 3rd game, then a big jump isn't necessary so I wouldn't consider urethane for the most part.  Something along the lines of what Charlest stated (minus the Venom Shock) could be a better option.  Nothing too strong but not super weak.

Of course, like the Rumble, the VS is more for medium, so either polished could be step down, that such a high speed bowler is looking for. Both are medium coverstocks with mild-ish cores, but they're just some alternatives.

Many balls which are useful for a range of oil, like medium-light to medium oil are usually for medium-light oil for speed dominant players and for medium oil for matched or rev dominant players.
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Re: Help on Picking Out a Ball
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2014, 02:45:45 PM »
What kind of adjustments are you making on the lanes?  I presume with your rev rate you are probably already pretty deep right out of the gate.  If not you have to start chasing the oil left before you even think about ball changes.  If you are deep as you can get, then their are a lot of dry lane balls out there.  I loved the Cobalt Vibe, which was still available a couple of months ago.  There are lots of others however.  Not sure what to say about Urethane.  I am a strong believer in it, but I am a medium speed lower rev guy who can use the urethane to play fairly direct outside on hooking conditions.  Once you have to hook the lane with urethane, the carry usually does drop.


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Re: Help on Picking Out a Ball
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2014, 06:58:01 PM »
900 Global Boost series looks like its going to be a great lower end option for lighter conditions but also not losing any power on the the backend. Also Columbia 300 Blur series looks to be an awesome addition to the mix. A little stronger than the freezes but not too overpowering. And cant go wrong with the Cyclone series, its been Ebonites best money maker the last few years.