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Author Topic: Help on shotmaking  (Read 565 times)


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Help on shotmaking
« on: May 05, 2004, 06:08:48 PM »
I have always had trouble shooting the big series but lately it has been worse. I am a high average bowler 225 to 230.I have bowled the ABC from 1984 to 2000 posting a 202 average. I have won many state and local titles and cashed on the professional level.So I kind of have a clue.But my problem has always been being afraid to make a bad shot which has really held me back over the years.It seems that I tend to really force shots which will usually get me to the pocket but carry percentage just is not there.When I know I have alot of room I tend not to use it but sort of jam it to my target resulting in bad carry (solid 9,light seven,half ten etc.)A perfect example would when I have 500 plus after 2 and shoot 217 clean not missing the hole.Everyone says you bowled great but the carry got tough on you the last game.Well I know darn well I was forcing the shots and they were not very good.What do I need to do or think about or not think about to loosen up the swing on a consistant basis?



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Re: Help on shotmaking
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2004, 12:38:22 PM »
wally300 -- Congrats on your talent and accomplishments.  I agree with bowlingtourneycom, you have to trust your talent.  Many pros use the mantra "trust is a must" when they face a pressure shot.  In one of Bill Taylor's pamphlets, either "Fitting and Drilling" or "Balancing a Bowling Ball" (these may not be the exact titles, but that's what they're about), he addresses the tendency to press on presssure shots, and gives a diagram of how the pressure affects the follow through, leading to shots that are off just enough to lose carry.  If you can get a copy of this, I think it will answer your questions about what's happening.  --  JohnP