I'm looking for a college to attend...The criteria are:
1. in the USA
2. Decent engineering/math/science programs
3. top 20(ish...I'll make exceptions if there's a good reason you can back up) bowling team
4. semi-cheap...under about 25,000 a year, but flexible here too.
5. I'd like a good location where I can bowl daily in competitive leagues, cheap practice, sport shots often, and tournaments within 2 hours as often as possible, even if small clubs.
Here are some colleges I'm seriously considering:
Purdue University - Indiana
Michigan State University - Michigan
Pennsylvania State University - Pennsylvania
Arizona State - Arizona
Rochester Institute of Technology - New York
Florida State University - Florida
Lehigh University - Pennsylvania
If anyone has any reason to or not to attend these, or has anything to add to the list, I'd really appreciate it! This is your chance to plug your college/city/bowling program, so hit it up!
JAT Junior Amateur Tour
Robb''s Pro Shops: Bakersfield, California
Rev Rate: 400-450
Speed: 17-18 mph
Current Average: 230