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Author Topic: Random layout... wander what it will do..?  (Read 1071 times)


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Random layout... wander what it will do..?
« on: July 04, 2008, 12:07:03 AM »
I'm going to redrill an old ball for international short oil tournaments, and the ball i'm going to drill has about a 2.5" pin out.  Was thinking of putting the pin about 1" from my pap, which will leave the ball needing a balance hole no matter where I put the CG... normally with this sort of drilling i would simply put the CG on my horizontal midline of span... however I was wondering... what it i was to put the cg up higher than the pin.. maybe with the pin about level with my PAP and the CG about level with my fingers, then drill a decent size balance hole into the cg to take out the side/finger weight...

i'm dying to see what sort of reaction i get..

any guesses?? lol




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Re: Random layout... wander what it will do..?
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2008, 10:15:03 AM »

Yeh, as you know on the short patterns you want to cut down the flare so this is what i'm looking for - I have only ever had success on short patterns before using low flareing drillings, but only short pins (less than 2" from PAP), not long, because they are smoother off the break... and i'm just thinking that if i drill the balance hole above and this close to the pin that it should be a really smooth ball...



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Re: Random layout... wander what it will do..?
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2008, 06:54:08 PM »
An old C/2 Blueberry drilled this way is part of my arsenal, especially on cross-country trips when I don't know what I'm walking into for exactly that reason.  The ball reaction is banana shaped and predictable on all but the very worst over/under conditions.
J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson, the bLowling King  : Kill the back row