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Author Topic: Help with 3 ball arsenel...  (Read 985 times)


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Help with 3 ball arsenel...
« on: July 13, 2004, 02:32:56 AM »
I currently only throw an 8lb plastic due to a back problems and have a 7-step approach for the same reason. Actually 5-step, plus 2 to stop myself cause I dont bend my back that much. I have been exercising and strengthened my back a lot...been throwing borrowed 12lb plastic for 5 games per nite, 2-3 times a week. Im ready to step up to a "real" ball to break the 200avg barrier that's near impossible to achieve with an 8lb plstic. My local shop just got a crapload of freshly used balls in stock yesterday, so I have my pick of the litter of any type/brand for cheap. I already verified they have the weight I want.

I dont need a spare ball, will use my 8lb plastic.
Need med/heavy oil - 14lb
Need dry/med oil - 14lb

Speed - 16.5/17mph(14lb), 19/21mph(12lb)
Stlye - unorthodox

Ideally, I dont want a high maintenance ball that I have to sand, clean, wax, whatever. Thanks for any info, Ill check this later tonight to see what you guys recommend.
185 avg with 8lb polyester ball



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Re: Help with 3 ball arsenel...
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2004, 09:45:08 PM »
Are you sure you can handle 14# balls for any length of time?  8 to 14# is a huge jump.  If so, the only thing I would recommend right away would be a mild resin ball.  Anything you get is going to hook a lot more than a light plastic ball.  I'd look at the entry level stuff.  Groove/Power Groove, Wild, Tornado/Fire, Hit/Big Hit.  If that works out well, look at a stronger solid resin or light load particle or particle pearl.

Get a list of the stuff available that looks interesting to you before we make any specific recommendations.
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Re: Help with 3 ball arsenel...
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2004, 10:31:32 PM »
I've been using a 12lb ball for weeks now...and it wasnt drilled for me, so a 14lb ball that fits me perfect should not be too much effort. Anything lighter then that is wasting Xs
185 avg with 8lb polyester ball


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Re: Help with 3 ball arsenel...
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2004, 10:55:56 AM »
ParoxysM, I've been fooling around with a couple of 14 pounders lately, to see if I might want to go down to 14 from 15.  One is one of the Brunswick Monster series (the SmashR) and it's junk - very bad carry.  The other is a Roto-Grip Rush and I'm very pleased with this ball - excellent carry and very good on the sport shot I'm using it on.  If you treat it with Doc's Elixer it will minimize maintenance and I think might be an OK ball for you.  Even untreated it shouldn't require too much upkeep.
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Re: Help with 3 ball arsenel...
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2004, 01:30:47 AM »
Ill check into that one...
185 avg with 8lb polyester ball