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Author Topic: Help with arsenal and strategy  (Read 1312 times)

ringing 10

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Help with arsenal and strategy
« on: August 22, 2008, 05:41:42 AM »
I am joined a scratch league that is the best in town. They are goign to switch the shot from week to week from a sport shot to pba patterns etc. We will never know what pattern and we will have to adjust to the length/volume etc. My question is how can I make the transition as easy as possible? I am expecting to get hammered by the better bowlers and I want to get better and I feel this is the best way by bowling on tougher conditions. Any advice on strategy or arsenal changes>



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Re: Help with arsenal and strategy
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2008, 09:42:09 PM »
well first and most important is a spare ball and spare shooting. what is going to help you succeed is that.

next you need a wide variety of surfaces as well as type of bowling balls as well. not necessarly different manufactures but you need some change. since you dont know what will be out have everything from something that rolls really really early to something that gets down lane.

from here i would then get some ab pads so you can change surfaces if you need during practice.

And have fun and dont get down on yourself when you arnt doing so well if that happens. make sure you learn stuff every week and if you need to write things down so you can review and read them later. you never know when that one small bit of information can help you out.


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Re: Help with arsenal and strategy
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2008, 09:33:07 AM »

With that said be willing to work on hand positions and ball speed.  Use this oppertunity to learn everything you can.


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Re: Help with arsenal and strategy
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2008, 10:10:36 AM »
For the first few weeks, take a variety of equipment that will allow you to hit the pocket no matter what they put out.  Something strong with some surface, something 1000-2000 grit, and something either 4000 grit or 600 grit with a light polish, and most importantly, a spare ball.  Think more control balls/drillings rather than the skid flip ball that tears up the THS.  For my PBA league, I used almost exclusively medium to med/strong equipment with a little surface (1000-2000 grit abralon).  Shiny didn't work for me, and a strong oiler wasn't necessary.  You'll be shooting lots of double wood, buckets, 3-6-9-10's and other combinations that you don't normally throw at on your normal THS.  The middle of the lane will change a LOT during the night, so you don't want to rely on hooking the ball at spares.  Once you get a feel for what they typically put out, you'll be ready to fine tune your arsenal to match your game to the lanes.
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John D Davis

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Re: Help with arsenal and strategy
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2008, 07:03:24 PM »
One of the better things to do that will help the best is maybe get a couple very smooth rolling balls, and perhaps even a high load particle ball so it will blend the lane as good as possible.

 One of the balls that everyone talks about is a cell of course. Get that one and another high load particle ball, and you wont have so much over/under sideways movement on the backend. I personally like my Big Bangs on the tougher conditions. They are highly polished and skid great with a smooth backend transition. Other than that, I would really stay away from pearl balls because a majority of shots will be harder to play when you have a ball thats has alot of energy in the back.

 Along with the spare shooting as well of course, and a great point( bigcountry). Thats what makes the best of the best is the spares. Also good to have a dull ball to produce a burn rate. Hope this helps, John

ringing 10

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Re: Help with arsenal and strategy
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2008, 08:02:35 AM »
Thanks guys. That was exactly the advice I was looking for. I have heard spare shooting is very important so I will work extra hard on that. I was thinking about getting a cell with a control drilling because of its smoothness and versatility. Is there something weaker than that cell that is just as smooth?
Thanks again for the help.