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Author Topic: Help with my crappy release...  (Read 2879 times)


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Help with my crappy release...
« on: May 15, 2009, 07:26:44 AM »
The weakest part of my game is probably my release.  Struggling to make ends meet right now so can't really afford lessons.  I'd be grateful to anyone who wouldn't mind taking a look at this video and telling me what I'm doing wrong and/or giving me some tips on how to improve my release.

Thank you in advance for your kind assistance.




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Re: Help with my crappy release...
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2009, 04:29:11 PM »
A tip I've used to help people get the feel of being under the ball - throw a few shots thumbless.  You HAVE to stay under the ball.  After you get the feel, go back to using your thumb and try to duplicate the feel.  WARNING - be careful the first few shots, you'll probably drop the ball in your backswing.  Don't drop it on your foot!  --  JohnP

The bowler might consider grabbing a 10lb house rock to practice this technique and gradually work up to 14 lbs.


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Re: Help with my crappy release...
« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2009, 10:30:00 AM »
The bowler might consider grabbing a 10lb house rock to practice this technique and gradually work up to 14 lbs.

This would be true if I were trying to teach how to change permanently to one handed.  But my purpose was simply for the customer to throw three or four shots one handed to get the feel of staying under the ball.  By using his normal ball (he probably has to use the off hand to steady it) he gets an idea also of what his reaction can be.  After the few shots I ask him to put his thumb back in and try to keep the same feel with it in.  --  JohnP


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Re: Help with my crappy release...
« Reply #18 on: May 19, 2009, 08:37:25 AM »
The thumb out drill that JohnP describes is similar in concept to that which I passed on for home study to do into a couch pillow.


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Re: Help with my crappy release...
« Reply #19 on: May 19, 2009, 10:53:46 AM »
It looks to me that you need to stay under the ball a little more.  Your turning your elbow out from the looks of it.  Keep that elbow tucked with the inside of your arm close to your body.  That'll help you stay under it. Just my opinion


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Re: Help with my crappy release...
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2009, 09:08:08 AM »
Started practicing yesterday trying to incorporate what everybody said.  First I threw two games with a 10 lb. house ball using my fingertips only to try to get a feel for staying behind and under the ball.  Then threw another game using my 14 lb. Neptune again throwing without my thumb in the ball.  After that I started throwing my 15 lb. Twisted Fury and started shooting video.  Here's the result.

I'm staying behind the ball longer, though I'm still coming around too early and too much.  I also have to work on getting my wrist bent under the ball a lot more and getting my thumb out earlier.  I focused on keeping my elbow in and the crease facing forward and not much else so basic form suffered a bit.

I think I progressively improved.  Toward the end of the video I threw a couple of shots with my Wild Ride.  Started getting tired so I finished up with the 14 lb. Neptune.

I still have a long way to go, but everybody's tips and advice has definitely got me started in the right direction.  Of course a big thanks to Scolai and the rest for the tips...feel free to offer more criticism.

Edited on 5/23/2009 10:58 AM