A lot of people on the site like to bad mouth Lane 1.
About 2 hours ago I sent Lane 1 an e-mail telling him about our ballreviews gathering in North Carolina in July.
I've already received an e-mail back offering us a NIB H2o, shirt of our choice, and a Lane 1 hat.
Bear in mind this is not a tournament or any other venue that Ritchie can use to promote his product, just a bunch of duffers getting together for a session to have fun.
Makes me wonder why the smallest companies will go out of their way to help people while the larger ones don't have the time to mess with us.
Course I've been using Lane 1 for quite a few years so I'm aware of their customer service and generosity.
Just wanted to take this chance to personally thank Ritchie and the other fine folks at Lane 1 for their support.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel
Spending the kids inheritance one tournament at a time.