Sometimes I wonder if bowling is bashed because it takes no god given ability to be a good bowler.
I don't care how fast or good of a football player you are. If you are a 5'3" white guy, you aren't playing in the NFL. And for that matter, you can rule out the NBA as well.
But in bowling, you can be 300+ lbs and be a good bowler, and you can be 5'3" 130 lbs and be a good bowler.
Bowling and maybe golf are the 2 sports where you can get on TV because of your skills without having a physique like Terrell Owens or Kobe Bryant.
A lot of average joes want the opportunity to be recognized as one of the best at something. For some, being the best at their jobs, or being the best parent is all the satisfaction they need. For others, who may not be blessed with the size and strength to succeed at other professional sports, can succeed in bowling.
Is that a bad or good thing?