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Author Topic: Heres my plan..  (Read 836 times)

channel surfer

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Heres my plan..
« on: January 18, 2004, 06:19:41 PM »
Instead of opening my body, im going to keep everything parallell. Therefore making my steps straight, and not turned. Im going to make my approach really simple so its easier to redo shot after shot. I think this would help out my consistency on both strike and spare shots.

Does this sound good?
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Re: Heres my plan..
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2004, 09:52:10 AM »
it's worked for me so far. + 13 pins from last year.

but I have trouble going real deep like that.

also one tip that was given to me, that has been quite useful in playing the same line longer:

with your feet,hip,shoulder all square. note: there are three position for each: closed,square and open. you line up  an play the oil line. and if you are getting a good read and the transition happens you have a few adjustments before moving you line.

if you come in a little high just open your shoulders. leaving your hips and feet square.

if you come up a little light, close you shoulder.

couple this with Ron C's finger dancing tips. add in finger pressure,speed,opening up,closing up and a dozen more adjustments you can play a line for a full set most of the time before jumping around.

these tips have helped me a great deal. once I find the proper line that gives me a good read and carries well, I can stay there for quite a while. I will move only a few boards left. until  about 20-22 then switch balls and play more direct again feeding the same breakpoint that is carring.

I use to wind up staring about 20 then finishing 30-35 by the third game. now with a freer grip and swing and these adjustments, I hardly move more than a few

I find this style beneficial when you have long gaps between picking up a ball. I have missed up to 3 weeks at a time and I find it easier to pickup where I left off after warmups or a game. spare shooting suffers more than strike shooting.

when I had a more open high rev style I would drop off big time.

this may not be everyone' cup of tea but it worked for me. It took time to see improvements. so give it a try and see if straighter is greater for you.

good luck and practice smartly.

"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny