Whoa, easy there... caml down... I'm just kidding... geez.
Their new Heavy Oil ball, the Galiath... is simlar to what I've been talkng about on here for a while now... but hardly anybody would agree... some did, and some didn't.
For a while now, I've been talking about how HIGH RG particle balls have more backend and create more area than LOW RG balls... and now Brunswick's NEW Heavy Oil, THE GALIATH has a MED/HIGH RG core... and early reports say that this ball is their biggest hooker yet!!!
So it seems they are following my lead... I thought me and my friend were on to something when we discovered that a Track SPELL (High RG) had more recovery on Heavy Oil than just about all other Low RG Particle balls out there!
Read the below post from a while back to see what I'm talking about: