I own and operate a shop in the northern NJ area. The location has street parking and 4 flights of stairs which makes my location not the greatest. I have inquired on two centers that presently do not have shops, a Nationwide Center and a Brunswick Center. Big-B told me that they have have not come to a point if they want a shop in the center which sounds crazy and Nationwide explained to me that they will run the shop themselves. Not to sound bitter why would you place a unexperienced person in the shop and take the chance of not selling balls instead of having guaranteed money from rent in the range of $8400-$12000 annually not including new bowlers that the shop can bring in, proshop tournaments, seminars and coaching.
Proshops guys please give your opinion on this one. I need some Help.
www.bowlritelanes.comwww.nextlevelproshop.com"I'm Rick James B!&$h!!!