I'll throw my comments in here too, as I've been watching the stream and participating in the chat, but while some of the wars have gone on, I've tried to stay out of it (try is the hard word.
) I'll add my bit of personal history on it with collegiates, and where some bowlers I was in youth bowling with prior to collegiates.
Pretty much, while we knew how to bowl, we didn't know how to bowl TOGETHER. And that's a new thing for some of the younger kids to understand, and that's even with coaching. We'd try something on our own, and not really communicate with eachother about how the ball is reacting on the pattern, adjustments, or anything. We'd try the same thing again, and if it didn't work, try it again (more hand, throw it harder, but not really try to move). That threw our game off, and didn't have the mental game solid enough to know what the right move is.
All of that started to come together in collegiates, but not for a good year into it. In a tough competition like it, where spares are important, there was a lot to UNLEARN and learn again. But you're right; doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result is Einstein's definition of
The better teams can and will figure it out, but it all comes down to lack of experience, which will come in time.
As far as the pattern goes, saying that it's similar to Nationals is an outright joke. That pattern is no-where near Nats. It was said a couple days ago, that it was similar to the USBC Tokyo pattern, but we won't know for sure until the tournament is over.
I missed the first shift today, but will be on shortly.. if this continues, I'll definitely speak up. Just don't say anything about High 5s - you may get some insults thrown at you by others that would make Eminem blush.