play golf? More of curiosity question than anything else. I used play in high school, wasn't very good at it, but I had fun though. Every now and then that bug bites me in the rear and I get interested about playing again. Go fig.
As a matter of fact, how many of you think your good in both sports, competitively I mean. Is anyone here good enough to probably make some money in both? The reason for my question is because I've noticed over the years that bowlers are a unique breed of people. I mean, it seems like we have our hand in all kinds of different sports specifically baseball, softball, and golf. I'm sure I'm missing a few things but this is what I've noticed.
For example, do any of you keep up with the PGA Tour as well as our beloved PBA Tour? Do you watch the Golf Channel religiously? (Of course you do know we'd watch our own tv show more, at least, that's if we had one!

) Hell, I'm watching it right now! LOL! I mean, I'm watching the College Central Golf Show for goodness sake!
Anywho, just curious as to how many of you enjoy trying to get a perfect low score as well as a high one.

When you've moved up, moved back, adjusted left and right, cupped, flattened out, have thrown everyting in your arsenal, and the pins still don't cooperate, just say, "Aw to HELL with it!", and throw the ball!