Well, I've been away from my computer a lot lately. Been busy with the house. Got bored one day. went surfing. Missed my old writing days.
My son reads a lot of the bowling boards but is a LURKER!!! (Mom's making him think he ought to post a bit." He's learned of tournaments and some tips off the boards.)
I love chatting with bowlers at the alleys. I only have one internet buddy left. We've been friends since 95 online and never met. Seemed this bowling board was a cool way to do both!
I have a web page that I had plans for, I want to work on that and my son's site this winter. Need to calm down to do that. Too rambly now to concentrate and focus on it.
Must admit, if I get bored with something, I'm off to something new. Keep my interest and I'll be around for years. If not, well TA Ta, I'll find something new.
Kathy, From PA!
Big mouth, loves to talk.
I wish I knew as much about bowling as my son.
He's not a bragger but mom sure loves to share his good times!