Here. But not that often anymore. No other bowling sites either. Been a little on face book, mostly on the iPhone to check in w/old friends & out of town family. Now that baseball season is over, I'll check up on the hot stove league.
Good to see you back, Necromancer. I remember the ***_____ (fill in the blank) who mocked you. Glad to see you can laugh at it. 
Haha. I've been watching a lot of videos of this bowler named Cortez Schenck and some others. It seems like these are the future PBA stars if there is a PBA in a few years.
Yeah, it was funny because reading my past posts, it seems like a completely different person. Some posters on here actually have seen me in real life at tournaments so they know I'm pretty nice. Trash heap I think used to bowl at some tournaments I was in years ago.
Anyways, I think if I go through with a 'comeback' of any sort, I'm going to go with a 3 or 4 ball set up. I think I screwed myself years ago by getting more and more equipment. Almost to the point where I didn't even know how some even reacted to lanes. I would have a bad game and just switch balls for no reason.
I'm also leaning towards a 14lbs ball. I'm not sure why I went to 16lbs when I was younger and then 15lbs. I had this idea that weight created strikes. But as I'm watching Cortez and a few others bowl, there is no way they are using 16lbs balls. Also they are only rolling the ball around 14mph which I had trouble doing if I tried when I bowled. I usually was around 20mph. And on spares, higher.