Higher average bowlers do have the advantage. Do the math and you will see. If 185 average bowlers are going to shoot 200 all the time then their average will reflect it. Since they are not, do the numbers. Also know the lower your average, the bigger the disadvantage.
Handicap 80% of 220
Bowler A Averages 225
Bowler B Averages 185, his handicap 28 pins
Bowler C Averages 140, his handicap 64 pins
Bowler A shoots 216 (9 below average)
Bowler B shoots 185 +28 handicap for 213
Bowler C 140 +64 handicap for 204
Bowler A wins without shooting his average.
Lets try 80% of 210 with the same bowlers
Bowler B now has 20 pins handicap
Bowler C now has 56 pins handicap
Bowler A shoots 216 ( 9 below average)
Bowler B shoots 185 +20 pins = 205
Bowler C shoots 140 +56 pins= 196
Bowler A wins again. Yes all bowlers on any given night can go above or below their average, but the higher average bowler has the bigger advantage especially in the 80% of 210 league.
That is why I try and score has high as possible every game, I want to win.
"1 of 1."