I agree with Carter on this one. Don't bash the bowling alley. Bowling alley's are business establishments. As such, they give their clients what they want. Most bowlers want cake shots that will net them honor scores every other week. If the centers don't put that down then the people will find someplace that will. I know several bowlers who won't be coming back to my home house this season because there hasn't been a 300 or 800 shot there in 3 years. Personally, that's why I like bowling there. Sure, there are some of us who like bowling on tougher conditions or in houses where the carry is difficult, but there are far more who want to average 220 whether they are truly good or not. In any event, don't diminish the incredible nature of JC's accomplishment. I don't care how wide open the shot may have been, 261 for a full season is simply astounding. Hell, I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of us couldn't pull an average like that off if we were able to tailor the shot for our own game.
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 340 : )