The only reason that i chimed in on this topic was the bashing of home center by somebody that has only known the sport of bowling in the reactive era. I've been bashed across this country for years and that debate is old and tired. I could care less about the record, and to be honest never really cared about it in the first place. My goals in this sport are strictly on the proffessional level now and to me that is all that really matters. I dont even like talking about the average or 300 game records anymore because you just cant have a discussion about something that really doesnt mean anything. These are league records for god sake. Did i make a fortune from these accomplishments ? No. Will they get me in the Hall of Fame ? No. Do they make me as good as Walter or Pete ? No. All they did was create discussion around the country about whats wrong with the sport. I appreciate the support that ive received over the years from several people that i have never met and probably never will. Its nice to know that people are out there with kind things to say about somebody that they dont know. People just need to realize that having heated discussions about league conditions are totally worthless. What you average in league doesnt affect your life in any way whatsoever. How much money you make in tournaments does, and thats where my focus lies. The problem lies in the younger players that only know the high scoring environment that we live in today and then thing that if somebody does something extraordinary, it must have been handed to them. Dustin, you say you have bowled at King Pin. Do you really realize what makes for a high scoring environment ? Lane conditions are really about number 4 or 5 on the list. You have the condition of the pin decks, flat gutters, kickbacks, height of the gutters, tilt of the pin deck, weight of the pins, condition of the pins, type of oil used, type of lane machine used, and most importantly in my opinion is the ability of the mechanics to maintain the lanes/machines in a way that lane conditions can be consistent from night to night and week to week. Dont come on here and talk about how Stevie Wonder could average 235 there. Unless you are prepared to come over and shoe up in a league or two, dont make statements that are baseless. You also stated that you know somebody that couldnt avg 175, yet that person averaged 220 at King Pin ? I highly doubt that King Pin will put about 45 pins on your average. So instead of everybody spending all of their time touting their accomplishments on meaningless league conditions, use that energy on promoting the real sport. Support the PBA, support local and national tournaments, get involved in the local junior program, become a certified instructor and whatever else will help make the sport grow. Bashing people and bowling centers will do nothing but set us back farther. There is a reason why we cant get national recognition and become an Olympic sport. Now you just have to ask yourself if you are part of the problem or part of the solution !
Bowl up a Storm,
Jeff Carter