All I can say is I think the tank is empty right now. As soon as school ended I started bowling everyday, practicing at least 3 games of 7's and 10's everyday, my first game I always tried to score, making adjustments FAST. But lately I am off, everything is off. My timing is off I think but I have no video camera anymore to look at so I'm not sure, my feet are sometimes slow/sometimes fast. My armswing is inconsistant. I think my flattened out spare release has creeped into my strike ball release and is making my roll very weak, especially now that I've changed to a lot more forward roll. I'm starting to wonder if the way I'm rolling the ball now and the way my equipment is drilled, if my equipment is rolling out. And of course my spare game is horrible. Left 5 ten pins on monday night and missed them all. Rolled 12 games of practice today, chopped 13 spares, that's right 13.
I never even gave this consideration before but I am seriously thinking of putting the equipment in the closet for the summer and just working out, I'll bring the stuff out a couple weeks before school starts and hopefully I'll be ready.
I guess I'd call this a slump but I've never felt this off before. It seems even worse. Anybody been through something like this, and how did you get out?
-If you're not willing to change, you're not willing to improve.
-Life is like a coin, you can spend it any way you want, but you can only spend it once.
-I will forever love this great game, I love the people and the competition, I only wish the best would get the recognition of an ATHLETE that they deserve.