Gordon, will be bowling the high roller, mini, and tat during the week.
High Roller has changed their format this year where it is now head to head matches. You win 3 matches in 1 day and you are guaranteed to cash for $1,000. First matches are at 12 and 1pm, then round 2 is at 2pm and round 3 at 3pm I believe it is. Then sweepers at night. They also will have 1 game VIP's like they use to back in the day at the boat, they are at 10 and 11am.
I am not sure what they are planning on putting out this year. In feb they tried a few different patterns and they didn't work out so well, they just became even higher scoring. But either way Brad will post the patterns for you to look at before you bowl.
Have any other questions let me know.
George Palumbo