Being in college and having nothing to do except homework, I am thinking of starting a weight lifting routine to keep me in shape. I remember the movie "King Pin" when they first walk into the bowling alley in Las Vegas, the Amish guy says, "wow, Ive never been in the presence of so many great athletes before." As the camera pans around we see the largest men eating the greasiest food the alley has to offer. I was just wondering if anyone here has any weight lifting routine that you do. Is there any sort of work out that you do that you believe makes you a better or stronger bowler? Or are you pretty lazy like me and just sit around and bowling is your only sort of exercise? sorry if this topic has been posted many times before.
Can't sleep, pins are laughing
Can't sleep, pins are laughing...
Hate those dreams where everything is good and when you wake up its all gone. I keep having a re-occuring one about me bowling GOOD!