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Author Topic: High versus Low track  (Read 737 times)

Doc Hollywood

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High versus Low track
« on: March 14, 2004, 08:44:31 PM »
Question regarding high and low trackers.

I was reading some old notes from Mo Pinel that I had from back in the early 80's. Most people think about low trackers tend to be spinners and use less cicumference of the ball and high trackers use a greater circumference. In the reading it stated that high trackers tend to get more forward roll and that low trackers tend to get more backend reaction.  

By changing the lateral pitches for a righty to increase the right pitches this will raise the track and increasing left lateral pitch will lower the track.

Have any of you played with raising or lowering your track to change the ball reaction and if you have what were your results?

What have you found to give better carry a high or low tracker on:
The typical house shot?
Medium heavy with carry down?
Dry with screaming backends?
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Re: High versus Low track
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2004, 12:11:45 PM »
Doc, I can't answer all of your questions, but I've lowered my track from being VERY high, and all I can say is that I get a MUCH better reaction out of my reads the mids better and I get a better/more consistent hit....regardless of the condition...but you've got to remember, I used to clip my middle finger on the first rev or 2 at least, then migrate off in an inverted track,....closer to fingers than thumb....

For instance, Sat night in our mixed league I started to get lazy (beer)and my buddy said "it looks like you're coming around the side a little more than you've been lately" ....I said , hmmmmm, concentrated on my release a little and boom, lowered the track enough and my ball read the lanes 10x better, especially in the mids and actually opened up the lane for me.......but, I'm still a high tracker........
Better....much better!

Edited on 3/15/2004 1:10 PM