Doc, I can't answer all of your questions, but I've lowered my track from being VERY high, and all I can say is that I get a MUCH better reaction out of my reads the mids better and I get a better/more consistent hit....regardless of the condition...but you've got to remember, I used to clip my middle finger on the first rev or 2 at least, then migrate off in an inverted track,....closer to fingers than thumb....
For instance, Sat night in our mixed league I started to get lazy (beer

)and my buddy said "it looks like you're coming around the side a little more than you've been lately" ....I said , hmmmmm, concentrated on my release a little and boom, lowered the track enough and my ball read the lanes 10x better, especially in the mids and actually opened up the lane for me.......but, I'm still a high tracker........
JEFFBetter....much better!
Edited on 3/15/2004 1:10 PM