Tonight I shot my highest set, too bad it was in practice though...

I was playing my Dyno-Thane Thing and realized I had a pretty good line, with amazing carry. I started stringing strikes, before I knew it, I had a nice 245. Then it happened again.... Strike, after strike, after strike. I get a little sloppy with the shot in the 6th, spare it and close out for a 276. And then it happened! I started stringing strike, after strike, after strike, after strike. It didn't dawn on me until I looked at the scoring machine; I had 9 in-a-row. 10th shot, perfect. 11th shot, kicked out the 7-10. 12th, I couldn't of thrown it any better....
300!!!!My set for the final three games:
821!!!Here is the really strange part, those last three games were my 14th, 15th and 16th game's of the night. I was dead tired, I stopped after that....
Too bad it was practice though...........

The bowling gods said "let there be strikes" and then there was Dyno-Thane!