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Author Topic: high/low track and PAP  (Read 1624 times)


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high/low track and PAP
« on: April 22, 2004, 12:56:24 AM »

Just started learning about the technical side of bowling.  Question:

Depending on me release, sometimes my balls have low track and sometimes high track.  I think I am right to say that PAP varies depending on your tracks.

I am getting some new balls in the next few weeks (see my profile), which PAP sholud the ball driller look at?  Or are they the same and it doesn't matter?

My old ball driller just left the business, and my new driller (the owner of the same pro-shop) drilled my Inferno for me 3 weeks ago.  He has never seen me bowl, but he used the chart (PAP from my high track release) that my old driller written for me.  Can he drill a ball 'effectively' without ever seeing me bowl?  Or that he has enough info. to know how to drill my balls with my  extensive chart?  (He used to be the coach of the National Team)

The fitting of the Inferno feels exactly the same as my other balls.

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Re: high/low track and PAP
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2004, 04:28:12 PM »
I believe that your PAP should be measured from a very low flaring ball; plastic would be best.  High flaring balls seems to lower my track.  Unless there is a huge difference between the two, either use the high or average them.  Even a good local player won't notice a huge difference in reaction if the pin/cg/mb were moved a small amount based on a slightly different PAP measurement.
Penn State Proud

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive


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Re: high/low track and PAP
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2004, 04:32:29 PM »
CharlieBrown -- You have to tell him which track to use.  When he determines your PAP, he will watch you throw the ball.  The PAP will be based on the track you have when you throw it.  Regarding the second part of your question:  Your new driller is familiar enough with the techniques your old driller used to be comfortable using the information he developed on you.  If you think something has changed, you need to tell him so he can develop his own information on you.  --  JohnP


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Re: high/low track and PAP
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2004, 11:09:36 PM »
Just want to say thanks to Strider and JohnP.

My track is always high with a plastic ball.  So based on what you two are saying, am I right to say that knowing where your PAP is very important to drill a ball 'effectively'?!?

My release varies from 30 to 60 degrees, but recently I've been learning to throw side-roll (90 degrees).

Also, I am very comfortable with the 'spinner' release, where that axis tilt is higher (45 degrees) and ball track low.

So, when I buy a new ball, with so many different hand positions that I use, how is my driller going to determine which drilling is best for me and for that ball?  Maybe he will use the PAP based on my 'A' game? (Or is it again, that it really does not matter, that it does not make that much difference?)

I don't have an A game, I have many B/C games, I usually just choose to use whatever hand position I'm comfortable with at the time.
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Re: high/low track and PAP
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2004, 11:36:51 AM »
Like I said, your PAP is supposed to be measured on a non or low flaring ball.  Measuring the oil ring closest to your fingers and thumb on a higher flaring ball should be pretty close to the same.  I would base all of my drillings on that PAP.  You will choose equipment based on your physical game and expected lane conditions.  You can still change your hand position to get the desired look on the lanes.  The drilling will appear weaker as you lower your track.
Penn State Proud

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