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Author Topic: Hinge form showing results  (Read 12222 times)


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Hinge form showing results
« on: January 24, 2013, 04:29:39 PM »
As some of you have read in the last few weeks in an earlier post I created "Push-a-way..... Not so much". Well after a couple weeks of working with the hinge form and a few modifications I came to a very comfortable approach that is 95% effortless and very repeatable shot to shot.

Teusday I got in another 7 games of practice. At 1st when I went for my 1st couple of shots I tried to recreate what I was doing the week before in my wednesday night league which was a 5 step approach. Not quite sure how I was able to do it as I had trouble with the shot 1st thing Tuesday. So I changed up my approach from 5 step to 4 step. I basically take 1 step with my right foot, as I start my 2nd step the hinge goes into motion then the rest is automatic.

Last week I had lots of pulled shots from a number of issues, Tuesday with the modified approach all my issues from the previous week were gone. I'm now feeling the best I've ever felt in my game. The scores yesterday are what I believe just the beginning of whats yet the best to come.

I've been having issues with a slump, all it took was a major game overhaul to rebound. I've shot more 210+ games in the last 2 days then I have in the last 3 months!

Teusday: 215, 211, 288, 215, 220, 210. I was still making little changes with the form. I didn't care about the scores but practice was making sure I can repeat shots easily so naturally I was competitively practice.

Wednesday night I shot: 202, 237, 216 for 655. I wasn't comfortable the 1st game and the 3rd game I need to make a ball change much sooner.

I feel this new form has not yet shown what it can and hopefully will do for me in the future.

Video is posted in the videos section.
Mike Zadler



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Re: Hinge form showing results
« Reply #31 on: February 07, 2013, 10:35:14 PM »
Everyone on the other team were over average but not what I would call your good form type. Last nights theme was that you got rewarded for unorthodox styles. Everyone that was far from smooth, relaxed, or finishing on the right foot even did extremely well. The 1 guy who bowls right handed and finishes on his right foot shot 300 his last game and just missed 800 for the night with a 798. The 4 guys we bowled against were slightly weird in their styles and all shot 610-655.

The other 4 on my team could not carry.

I tried deeper lines, normal track area lines, even moved right. The only shots that got near pocket were track area shots, any minor adjustment resulted in max punishment if I missed slightly left or right. Same was true with the rest of the team. I played deeper, the ball could not make the corner at the break point. Outside lines the ball would check up hard going through the nose or completely missing left of brooklyn.

Thinking about pulling my T-Road Pearl back from retirement because my IQ Pearl is just too much ball to be a good replacement.

Other bowlers were close to normal average wise but more on the under average side of things.
Mike Zadler


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Re: Hinge form showing results
« Reply #32 on: February 20, 2013, 10:35:17 PM »
Okay it's been a few weeks since I've updated my progress. 2 weeks ago I shot so-so and tonight was successful. My idea of a successful night is when I shoot 650+.

Last week I shot 600 which is 9 pins over ave for the night, I felt great all night but I was having issues with pin carry and hitting my marks. Start off with my IQ Pearl and switched to my Marvel Pearl but pin carry suffered all night.

Tonight I tried something a little different, started off with my Victory Road Pearl and shot 223 with an open 10th. 2nd game I started off with a double then 4 9 counts closing each frame, made a ball change to the IQ pearl and took a few shots to get lined up. Shot 188. 3rd game I went Strike, got a touch slow left the 3-10 then made the spare. After that I went off the sheet for 280. Shot 691 for the night.

I've worked with my hinge to start falling at the end of my 1st step which feels even more natural.
Mike Zadler