Wow, Guys I'm amazed! Ya'll really cleared out a lot of the fog on this topic. Key points I really like to highlight from a few of the guys on this post:
In all things in life, there are factors that will optimize your chances and there are factors that will minimize them as well. What these factors are is debateable, but without doubt they exist.
To me, "hitting too hard" is an eye test kind of thing. By that, I mean if it looks to an experienced bowler that the pins are getting impacted so hard that they aren't following their maximum trajectory, you probably are "hitting them too hard". Pins flying up, instead of laterally, on impact may be one sign of this.
Physics tells us that E=Mc2. Basically, energy equals mass X speed, so the more speed an object has on impact, the more energy is released upon said impact. If the energy released is in excess of the optimum force needed, then yes, you are indeed "hitting them too hard".
I remember Rob "Hambone" Stone and Randy talking about this in reference to Kelly Kulick on one of the telecasts. Randy said that a truly "pure" shot would drive all 10 back into the pit w/not a lot of flying pins. When you have a lot of flying pins/messengers - it means that it was a successful shot, but not the optimal shot.
The only time a lot of speed seems to be a good thing is if I'm throwing weaker pieces of equipment which don't seem to transfer energy as well to the pins.
my solution was to give the ball more play ground (moved bp out farther). this burned off a little more speed.
To bring back your carry percentage, you need to lay-off on any extra lift your giving, doing so will enable the core to rev more on it's own and retain more core energy for the pocket.
All of these insights and advices hit the head on the nail from different perspectives on this topic. Good Job everybody!
I really believe this will help me with the new USBC blue pattern from the red, white and blue oil patterns.
2010 is the first time joining a league since 1999. Over a 10 year lay off and haven't lost much of my game. This year currently HG-279, HS-733.