I'd like to elaborate some on Smash40's description of the Ritger personal number system. I've been using this system for several years now, and it WORKS!!!
(reverse the following for lefties - of course)
Line up with the inside of your left foot on the right side of the 17 board - heel and toe both lined up on the line between the 16 and 17 board. Target the 10 board (2nd arrow) at the arrows. When you release the ball, make a note of what board your the inside part of your left foot ended up on. Do the same thing at least 4 more times, each time making a note of the board you ended on. For example, you ended up on the 14, 13, 14, 15, and 14 board. You drifted 3,4,3,2, and 3 boards. So your average drift is 3 boards right. Add that 3 board drift to the 7 board difference between your foot and the ball laydown point, and your personal number becomes 10. If you drift left (for righties), subtract - example - if your average drift was 2 boards left, 7-2 =5 for your personal number.
Now when you line up to shoot 10 board, you'd add your target (10) to your personal number (10) and line up with the inside of your left foot (toe AND heel) on the right edge of the 20 board. This is the technique for playing straight up. It gets more involved when you are swinging a shot, but you get the idea. It's all numbers. It works GREAT!!!
Attend one of the camps or clinics. You'll not only learn this, but practice it as well.
As for where I look on the lane - depends on whether I want to set the ball down early or late. Early, I look at the dots. Late, arrows or beyond. Conversion factor? Got it from the Advanced Ritger clinic. Highly recommended!
Ability is what you're capable of doing.
Motivation determines what you do.
Attitude determines how well you do it.
- Lou Holtz
Edited on 6/11/2004 12:29 PM