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Author Topic: Hitting your target...  (Read 6076 times)


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Hitting your target...
« on: June 07, 2004, 11:55:21 PM »
What are some methods used to hit targets and to increase accuracy? Also, is it more common for bowlers to shoot at arrows or dots?



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Re: Hitting your target...
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2004, 08:20:53 PM »
then on my second step when I move my left foot(righty), I naturaly move it 3 boards right so my feet don't rub on my approach.

I am SURPRISED you dont TRIP when you put your LEFT foot in front of the RIGHT one.
TOO many IDIOTS, so LITTLE time.


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Re: Hitting your target...
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2004, 09:43:24 PM »
What I meant is when I start off my feet are together, then on my second step when I move my left foot(righty), I naturaly move it 3 boards right so my feet don't rub on my approach.

I LEAD with my RIGHT foot. That means my SECOND STEPI step with my LEFT. I have a FOUR-STEP approach.

And you place your LEFT foot 3 boards to the RIGHT?  So NOW you have to MOVE your RIGHT foot further RIGHT?  And you END UP 3 boards LEFT?  HOW?
TOO many IDIOTS, so LITTLE time.


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Re: Hitting your target...
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2004, 10:05:10 PM »
Good point. I've had SOL's for the past 2 days and my brain is fried. Sorry for being a butthole. I meant I move it 3 boards left.

Thats OKAY, lots of people call ME a butthole.  WHY, I dont know.  What is SOL?  Are you MOVING your LEFT foot because you want to get it CLEAR of the right or so you do NOT fall?
TOO many IDIOTS, so LITTLE time.


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Re: Hitting your target...
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2004, 11:24:27 PM »
I'd like to elaborate some on Smash40's description of the Ritger personal number system. I've been using this system for several years now, and it WORKS!!!
(reverse the following for lefties - of course)
Line up with the inside of your left foot on the right side of the 17 board - heel and toe both lined up on the line between the 16 and 17 board. Target the 10 board (2nd arrow) at the arrows. When you release the ball, make a note of what board your the inside part of your left foot ended up on. Do the same thing at least 4 more times, each time making a note of the board you ended on. For example, you ended up on the 14, 13, 14, 15, and 14 board. You drifted 3,4,3,2, and 3 boards. So your average drift is 3 boards right. Add that 3 board drift to the 7 board difference between your foot and the ball laydown point, and your personal number becomes 10. If you drift left (for righties), subtract - example - if your average drift was 2 boards left, 7-2 =5 for your personal number.
Now when you line up to shoot 10 board, you'd add your target (10) to your personal number (10) and line up with the inside of your left foot (toe AND heel) on the right edge of the 20 board. This is the technique for playing straight up. It gets more involved when you are swinging a shot, but you get the idea. It's all numbers. It works GREAT!!!
Attend one of the camps or clinics. You'll not only learn this, but practice it as well.

As for where I look on the lane - depends on whether I want to set the ball down early or late. Early, I look at the dots. Late, arrows or beyond. Conversion factor? Got it from the Advanced Ritger clinic. Highly recommended!
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Edited on 6/11/2004 12:29 PM
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Re: Hitting your target...
« Reply #20 on: June 10, 2004, 12:24:30 PM »
Another aid would be to start keeping track of where your ball is hitting so you will know if you are consistantly missing either left or right of your target.  Writing down each shot is a help towards that.  Also keep track of the line you are playing and where you end up sliding, etc.  Here is a scoresheet that may be of help:

And for those looking for tips and may have missed out on Ron's site, here is a link to that:

Another useful site, though still incomplete:

And, if you missed Jeff P's link in his message above, it offers useful ball knowledge:

And for something completely different (humor):

I just want 2C was'zzub.

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Re: Hitting your target...
« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2004, 12:30:32 PM »
i havent heard of this technique but i like the sounds of it, can some elaborate on playing inside angles instead of up the boards.
90% of the game is 50% mental!

Im not even supposed to be here today!

what did the 5 fingers say to the face...SLAP
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Re: Hitting your target...
« Reply #22 on: June 10, 2004, 01:09:48 PM »
thats fine in league, but tell the flinger not to bowl in any tournys.
90% of the game is 50% mental!

Im not even supposed to be here today!

what did the 5 fingers say to the face...SLAP
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Re: Hitting your target...
« Reply #23 on: June 10, 2004, 02:10:03 PM »
i havent heard of this technique but i like the sounds of it, can some elaborate on playing inside angles instead of up the boards.
90% of the game is 50% mental!

Im not even supposed to be here today!

what did the 5 fingers say to the face...SLAP

If memory serves correctly....
you choose your target at the arrows first. For this example I will take third.   So you starting position is now third arrow (15) + 'magic number' (7) = 22. Then you choose a line.

Two ways to do this.
1) Choose an anlge to play
2) Choose a breakpoint

1) If you want to play a 1 board angle, ie 16 at foul line, out to 15 at arrows, then you move 2 boards inside. If you want to play a 3 board angle, ie 18 at foul line, out to 15 at arrows, then you move 6 boards inside. etc.

2) As long as your break point is close to 45' then this easy maths will work.  If you breakpoint isn't quite at 45' (just short of the reflections of the pins) AND you want a big angle, you'll need to project where the breakpoint would be at 45'

If you want your 45' break point to be board 9, then
target - BP = move inside
15 - 9 = 6 boards inside (=board 28)

If you want your 45' break point to be board 5, then
target - BP = move inside
15 - 5 = 10 boards inside (=board 32)

start = target + 2*angle + Magic#

start = 2*target - BP + Magic#


target-bp = 2*angle

Edited on 6/10/2004 2:08 PM


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Re: Hitting your target...
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2004, 02:45:02 PM »
i like change, i believe i will try this. i get bored sometimes this will make me concentrate more i believe
90% of the game is 50% mental!

Im not even supposed to be here today!

what did the 5 fingers say to the face...SLAP
~<:-0======"IN CG WE TRUST" i chant as i pray to the static weight God...======


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Re: Hitting your target...
« Reply #25 on: June 10, 2004, 10:45:57 PM »
used the system to the best of my knowledge, which i learned here, shot 655 tonight, not bad for first time. i like the fact that i had a system to use to adjust with, im not a bad bowler, i have my own ways of adjusting such as feel, 2 and 1, 5 and 2. im a great feel bowler, but the fact that i had a formula which incorporated a break point, target, and where to stand was cool. if i executed i struck. i like the math involved with lining up.
90% of the game is 50% mental!

Im not even supposed to be here today!

what did the 5 fingers say to the face...SLAP
~<:-0======"IN CG WE TRUST" i chant as i pray to the static weight God...======


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Re: Hitting your target...
« Reply #26 on: June 10, 2004, 10:50:50 PM »
if your missing to far left (and your a righty) plant the ball in the gutter 20 times if you have to, get used to missing to the right of your target, maybe 1 or 2 boards would be perfect, shoot at the ARROWs  and miss those 1 or 2 boards to the right... get the grammar police in here, i have a run on sentence


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Re: Hitting your target...
« Reply #27 on: June 10, 2004, 11:33:25 PM »
if your missing to far left (and your a righty)

Might only be a TILT or ANGLE adjustment of the FEET or HIPS.  Just MOVE your HEELS slightly LEFT, keeping the front part of FOOT on starting board.  Cant PROJECT the ball RIGHT if you are too SQUARE to the foul line.
TOO many IDIOTS, so LITTLE time.


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Re: Hitting your target...
« Reply #28 on: June 11, 2004, 02:34:24 AM »
Thanks a bunch to everyone that contributed here. i have a lot of tools to work with now. Again, many thanks.
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Re: Hitting your target...
« Reply #29 on: June 11, 2004, 01:53:25 PM »
While the conversation about hitting a target has been predominately focused on feet work, this is secondary to maintaining a 90 degree shoulder alignment to your break point. If you have other than 90 degrees than you are subject to swing flaring which will cause you to miss your target/break point.

Drifting is not really the issue for hitting your target. Walking stright down the approach is actually counter productive if you are targeting other than straight down the lane. If you target line is to set the ball down on 10, hit second arrow at 15 feet and go stright down that board some distance and then hook to the pocket then walking stright is very productive. However, in todays game this is a lost and nearly useless art.

Walking (or sliding) toward your target is much more productive in todays game of wide sweeping hooks.  If we look at the vast majority of elite and professional bowlers we see this illistrated time and time again.

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Re: Hitting your target...
« Reply #30 on: June 11, 2004, 10:26:29 PM »
i disagree, if you stand left and walk right its counterproductive to what you are trying to do, if you are playing 25 while standing on 40, trying to keep ball in middle of lane as long as possible and walk right and slide on 30, what good has it done to move inside.
90% of the game is 50% mental!

Im not even supposed to be here today!

what did the 5 fingers say to the face...SLAP
~<:-0======"IN CG WE TRUST" i chant as i pray to the static weight God...======